African Women in Agricultural R & D – (AWARD)
AWARD – investing in Africa’s future by increasing the talent pool of African women in African research and development.
A two-year fellowship for fast-tracking the careers of African women scientists and professionals is at the heart of AWARD.
Fellows chosen from across sub-Saharan Africa receive opportunities to strengthen their leadership and science capacities, and are paired with senior scientists in their fields who serve as their mentors.
AWARD grew from a highly successful pilot fellowship program conducted by G&D in collaboration with the Rockefeller Foundation, USAID and the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture.
Follow the links below for more details and application contacts.
For information and application visit: African Women in Agricultural R & D (AWARD)Email: AWARDFellows[at]
Want to apply for a phd scholarship
i want to apply for award. how i can please