Jimma University Graduate Application Forms PDF Download 2024-2025

Jimma University Graduate Application Forms PDF Download 2024-2025

Jimma University Graduate Application Forms 2024-2025; Download the Application forms for Jimma University. The academic body for Jimma University has finally released the application forms for prospective students to apply into the university. Check the admission requirements for Jimma University to know the eligibility requirements for prospective students.


Before you proceed to check details of Jimma University admissions, let us have a brief look at some quick links you may be interested in.

Jimma University Entry Requirements

Jimma University fees structure

Jimma University Application Deadline


Mode of Application.

Candidates are requested to apply online by going on the Jimma University website at  https://www.ju.edu.et and clicking on the Apply Icon. Applicants are further advised to complete and submit the form.

Admission forms can also be obtained at the registrar’s office when you visit the campus.

Registrar contact

Jimma University Main Registrar
Buruk W/Michael Jima,
Assistant Professor of History,
Senior Director of the Office of the Registrar,
Jimma University, Ethiopia
Email: burukmichael@gmail.com
Tel. (Mob.) +251 911 71 49 06
Office: +251 471 11 78 22  or   +251 471 11 89 41
Jimma University, Ethiopia

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