Jimma University Registration Date 2024-2025

Jimma University Registration Date 2024-2025

Jimma University Registration 2024-2025; Details of Jimma University online registration and details of registration deadline/closing date for the 2024-2025 academic session.

For a candidate to qualify to be a bonafide student of the University, he/she must be registered. Registration is a mandatory requirement of the University which must be done within the first three weeks from the beginning of the Semester by every student. All students will use the Academic Information Management System (AIMS).


Each semester existing students are required to register for classes for the next semester. The registration is held in the respective college office of students’ Affairs.

To register for classes, students should collect three copies of registration slips from the respective department and complete the required information and get them signed by the head of the department/school and submit one copy of the slip to the respective college office of students’ Affairs and one copy to the University office of the registrar.


For more details do not hesitate to contact our help desk.


Registrar contact

Jimma University Main Registrar
Buruk W/Michael Jima,
Assistant Professor of History,
Senior Director of the Office of the Registrar,
Jimma University, Ethiopia
Email: burukmichael@gmail.com
Tel. (Mob.) +251 911 71 49 06
Office: +251 471 11 78 22  or   +251 471 11 89 41
Jimma University, Ethiopia