Samara University College of Engineering and Technology

Samara University College of Engineering and Technology

Samara University College of Engineering and Technology; See details on Samara University College of Engineering and Technology


The College of Engineering and Technology at Samara University was established on July 7th, 2011, we take pride in our accomplishments and in the quality of our programs in playing a prominent role in the academic mission of our university towards the goal of growth and transformation plan of the country.


Currently the college of engineering and technology has undergraduate programs in Chemical Engineering (focus on Sugar Technology), Civil Engineering, Computer science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering.
In addition to those departments the college plane to launch Construction Technology and Management in the coming year in order to increase our programs and also two coordinator offices (Pre-engineering and Quality Assurance) are working under CET.
Today, the College of Engineering and Technology is the largest college on Samara University with more than 159 college members of which 18 are expatriates and more than 1594 students in regular and extension programs.

The college is poised to play an important role to influence economic development of Afar region by providing education, training, technology transfer, and research opportunities in engineering and technology.

