University of Gondar College of Medicine


University of Gondar College of Medicine and Health Sciences

University of Gondar College of Medicine and Health Sciences; See details on University of Gondar College of Medicine and Health Sciences


The current College of Medicine and Health Sciences grew out of the Gondar Public Health College and Training Center (PHC and TC) established in 1954. It is the oldest medical training institution in the country and located in the historical town of Gondar. The establishment of the PHC and TC was dictated by the pressing and enormous health problems that existed in the forties and early fifties. The aim of the Public Health and Training Centre was training of teams of middle-level health personnel. This was the start of the philosophy of team approach and community based teaching of health professionals. Until 1960, the Ministry of Health was responsible for the college. In 1961, the college joined the then Haile Selassie I University, now known as Addis Ababa University, by the act of internal decree known as “Charter of Haile Sellassie I University”. In 1978, announcements were made for the establishment of a Medical Faculty in the Gondar College of Public Health and Training Centre by bilateral agreement reached between Karl Marx’s University in Germany and Addis Ababa University. It was a landmark in the lengthy history of the College as it was a major transformation that resulted in the practical establishment of the medical education. In the academic year 1980/81, the name Gondar College of Medical Sciences was given to the Gondar Public health college and training center (GPHC&TC). Training was given by German medical experts. It was also an opportunity for successive training of Ethiopians in Germany to substitute the German specialists to whom the college’s success is fully attributed. The college was given autonomy to stand by itself (separated from Addis Ababa University) in 1992.


Our Mission

The College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS) is committed in providing societal needs tailored education, problem-based research and relevant community services.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the leading health institution in education, health service and research in East Africa by the year 2020.

Our Work

The College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS) has a referral teaching hospital with 400 beds, and currently is constructing a G+5 maternal and child care hospital, best standard TB ward and laboratory, G+2 eye hospital and Fistula center, and a general hospital that can give all other health services. In addition to the hospital service, through TTP programs CMHS is providing outreach health services for about 50,000 households in five sites (Debark, Dabat, Koladeba, Addis Zemen and Woreta).

We also provide a range of community services through innovative health care services such as the continuous care for the chronic illness; the community based rehabilitation (CBR) service; and services geared towards the prevention of HIV/AIDS, TB infections and their related problems. Another main service is provided by Kalazar project which has its own clinic with 24 beds for new drug trial and patient’s treatment – currently serving 288 patients per annum in the University Hospital.

Alongside research activities being undertaken by our various Departments, CMHS also houses Dabat Research Center. The Center, which has been operating since 1995, is conducting a longitudinal demographic and health surveillance on 50,000 populations.

Currently the College offers about 11 undergraduate degree and 34 postgraduate programs.  A PhD program in Public Health has also been recently launched in collaboration with Addis Ababa Continental Institute of Public Health.


The College is made up of:

  • Institute of Public Health
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Pharmacy
  • School of Biomedical and Laboratory Sciences
  • Department of Nursing
  • Department of Midwifery
  • Department of Physiotherapy
  • Department of Optometry

Please visit the relevant information to find out more about their work.


1. PhD in Public Health Regular Apply
2. PhD in Biostatistics Regular Apply
3. PhD in Epidemiology Regular Apply
4. MPH in Epidemiology Regular Apply
5. MPH in Biostatistics Regular Apply
6. MPH in Field Epidemiology Regular Apply
7. MSc in Environmental Health Regular Apply
8. MPH in Environmental Health Regular Apply
9. MPH in Occupational Health and Safety Management Regular Apply
10. MPH in Public Health Veterinary Regular Apply
11. MPH in Public Health Nutrition Regular Apply
12. MSc in Applied Human Nutrition Regular Apply
13. MPH in Health Service Management Regular Apply
14. MPH in Health Economics Regular Apply
15. MPH in Human Resources for Health Regular Apply
16. MPH in Hospital and Healthcare Administration Regular Apply
17. MPH in Monitoring and Evaluation Regular Apply
18. MPH in Reproductive Health Regular Apply
19. MPH in Health Informatics Regular Apply
20. MPH in Health Promotion and Behavioral Health Sciences Regular Apply
21. MSc in Advanced Clinical Anesthesia Regular Apply
22. MSc in Clinical Optometry Regular Apply
23. MSc in Clinical Tropical Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine Regular Apply
24. MSc in Human Anatomy Regular Apply
25. MSc in Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health Regular Apply
26. MSc in Physiotherapy Regular Apply
27. MSc in Physiology Regular Apply
28. MSc in Biochemistry Regular Apply
29. Sub-Specialty in Maternal Fetal Medicine Regular Apply
30. Sub-Specialty Urogynecology Regular Apply
31. Sub-Specialty Certificate in Gynecology Oncology Regular Apply
32. Specialty Certificate in Pediatric & Child Health Regular Apply
33. Specialty Orthopedic & Trauma Regular Apply
34. Specialty Certificate in Internal Medicine Regular Apply
35. Specialty Certificate Radiology Regular Apply
36. Specialty Certificate Dermatovenereology Regular Apply
37. Specialty Certificate in Surgery Regular Apply
38. Specialty Certificate in Ophthalmology Regular Apply
39. Specialty Certificate in Gynecology and Obstetrics Regular Apply
40. PhD in Nursing Regular Apply
41. MSC in Medical Nursing Regular Apply
42. MSc in Pediatrics and Child Health Nursing Regular Apply
43. MSc in Surgical Nursing Regular Apply
44. MSc in Emergency and Critical Care Nursing Regular Apply
45. PhD in Medical Microbiology Regular Apply
46. PhD Medical Parasitology Regular Apply
47. MSc in Clinical Chemistry Regular Apply
48. MSc in Hematology and Immunohematology Regular Apply
49. MSc in Immunology Regular Apply
50. MSc in Medical Microbiology Regular Apply
51. MSc in Medical Parasitology Regular Apply
52. MSc in Tropical and Infectious Diseases Regular Apply
53. MSc in Clinical Pharmacy Regular Apply
54. MSc in Pharmacology Regular Apply
55. PhD in Midwifery and Women’s Health Regular Apply
56. MSc in Clinical Midwifery Regular Apply
57. PhD in Public Health Informatics Regular Apply
58. MPH in General Public Health Regular Apply


Awards and Recognition

CMHS obtained different awards for its long standing contribution in the field of health.

In 1998 the “Global Sasakawa Health Prize” was awarded to the College by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva in recognition of its experience of training, producing competent health manpower, innovative health care delivery system and undertaking relevant researches.

We have also received a certificate of merit and cup for 50 years of outstanding service to public health in Ethiopia through human power development, research and innovative practice. Other awards include PARTEC world AIDS day award 2008 and the achievement of STAR-III level WHO Afro-Accreditation Standard for our laboratory.

College of Medicine and Health Sciences


Nursing – Advance Extension Program


Public Health Officer


Contact Address

Dr Sisay Yifru
Job Title
Dean, College of Medicine and Health Science
Tel (office):
+251 581110243


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University of Gondar Institute of Public Health

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University of Gondar School of Law

University of Gondar Medical School

University of Gondar School of Nursing

University of Gondar College of Medicine and Health Sciences

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