Gulu University Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Gulu University Academic Calendar 2024-2025


A very warm welcome to you our dear students from the semester break.This serves to remind all students, irrespective of sponsorship,
that you are supposed to pay fees and register within the first two [2] weeks of the semester.
Ensure, therefore, that you complete the registration process as soon as possible to avoid any inconveniences.
Failure to register by the 4th week will attract a surcharge of 20,000/= (twenty thousand shillings only).


  1. No student will be allowed to register beyond the 8th week of the semester.
  2. Anyone who will not have registered by the 8th week will not be considered a student of Gulu University.

You are also advised to refer to the academic calendar for key dates for Semester II, 2016/2017 that include, but not limited to,
dates for registration, lectures and examinations.
I wish you a productive Semester II, 2016/2017.

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