Mbarara University School of Medicine Postgraduate Courses

Mbarara University School of Medicine Postgraduate Courses

Postgraduate Courses Offered at Mbarara University Medical School

About Postgraduate programmes

The faculty successful implemented the semester system with all the under graduate programs in line with National Council for higher education, all post graduate programs have also been semesterised.

Besides the Undergraduate and Diploma courses, the Faculty introduced  postgraduate courses in all disciplines at Masters and PHD level as a way of not only building own capacity but also increasing specialization in different disciplines to meet the national demand for consultants in different fields.


Mbarara University Master of Medicine Courses


  1. Master of Medicine in Surgery
  2. Master of Medicine in Internal Medicine
  3. Master of Medicine in Obstetrics & Gynecology
  4. Master of Medicine in Paediatrics & Child Health
  5. Master of Medicine in Pathology
  6. Master of Medicine in Radiology
  7. Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology
  8. Masters of Medicine in Anesthesia
  9. Masters of Medicine in Plastic & reconstruction Surgery
  10. Masters of Medicine in Family Medicine
  11. Masters of Medicine in Dermatology
  12. Masters of Medicine in Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
  13. Masters of Medicine in Psychiatry

  1. Master of Science in Anatomy
  2. Master of Science in Physiology
  3. Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
  4. Master of Science in Biochemistry
  5. Master of Nursing Science
  6. Master of Science in Pharmacology
  7. Master of Science in Microbiology
D)PhD Training

PhD Program is offered in all the programmes

Mbarara University School of Medicine Undergraduate Courses

About Mbarara University School of Medicine

Mbarara University School of Medicine Courses

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Mbarara University School of Medicine Requirements

Mbarara University School of Medicine Departments

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