The Countess of Munster Musical Trust Awards

The Countess of Munster Musical Trust Awards

The Countess of Munster Musical Trust Awards: The Trustees of the Countess of Munster Musical Trust are prepared to consider applications for assistance in the musical education of individual students.

The Trust’s principal aim is to support young musicians, i.e. instrumentalists, singers, conductors and composers, of exceptional ability.

Scholarship Application Eligibility Criteria:

British Commonwealth Nationalities

Age limits:

(a)For study grants: Instrumentalists, Conductors & Composers: over 18 and under 25 years of age.

Singers – over 18 and under 28 years of age.

(b)For instrument purchase loans: Young musicians under 28 years of age, on the brink of a professional career (past beneficiaries of the Trust only).

All ages are calculated as at 1st September in the year to which the application relates.

Grants for study:

(a)British postgraduate students undertaking study at home or abroad

(b)Commonwealth postgraduate students undertaking study in the UK

(c)Students undertaking special study at home or abroad

Tenure of Award:

Awards are based on the academic year and will not be made for more than one year at a time.

Beneficiaries may apply for renewal of their awards for a second year.

Applications for renewal of awards should be made in the same way as an initial approach to the Trust.

Renewal for a third time will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.

Undergraduate/first degree courses will not be considered.

MPhil and Phd courses will also not be considered.

Composers undertaking MPhil or Phd courses are advised to contact the Arts & Humanties Research Board –

Application Procedure:

Application & reference forms are available online.

Applicants who enter into correspondence with individual Trustees run the risk of prejudicing their case.

The granting or withholding of financial assistance is entirely at the collective discretion of the Trustees and in no circumstances will reasons be given for rejection or for the selection of one applicant as against another.

The closing date for receipt of completed application forms and references is 14th February every year.

Mrs Gillian Ure, Secretary, Wormley Hill, Godalming. Surrey GU8 5SG. UK. Tel: 44 1428 685427. Fax: 44 1428 685064. Email: admin [at]

For more information see websiteThe Countess of Munster Musical Trust Awards

List of International Scholarships