Telephone Numbers And Fax Numbers of Blantyre International University
Blantyre International University Contact Details; Blantyre International University BIU) was established in 2008 to provide high quality university education for this century. This is predicated on its belief that education must be life-long – that education is not a spatial monopoly of something called the school and college; not a time-bound learning experience; there is no such thing as childhood education, adolescent education, youth education, or adult education. There is just education which is a way of life, a life-long way of life. Every year, every month, every day, a person will be learning, open to learning and must be given the opportunity to learn in the home, school, university, factory, farm, hospital, office, co-operative, church, trade union, political party, cinema and club, etc. Education must be open. In this regard, BIU believes in the need for the re-orientation and revitalisation of education with a view to preparing the young for the modern times that we live in, as a result of the following demands:
- There will be large changes in job categories, with possible fifty per cent of job categories changing in one generation.
- Skills need to be renewed at the rate of approximately fifty per cent every three to five years.
- Technology will require increased multiple thinking.
Blantyre International University, Private Bag 98, Blantyre
Phone(s) : 0 995 947 940 / 0 999 279 608 / 0 999 289 665
Email :,