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Exploits University BA in International Business

Exploits University Bachelor of Arts in International Business

Exploits University BA in International Business; Program Description
Our Bachelors program in “International Business” will enable you to understand the connections between business thinking and philosophies in an international context. Study our International Business program and experience international exchange in various ways including cultural diversity and a program with an international focus

The International Business major will be of interest to any student contemplating a career with an international focus. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the topics that underpin international business activities. The major focuses on the institutional side of business which is becoming increasingly important due to the globalisation of the business world. It fosters an understanding of why international business is different and how international business opportunities can be exploited

Employment opportunities are continuing to grow as globalisation increases. Careers may be found in business, government and non-government organisations, international agencies, multinational firms, non-profit organisations and financial institutions, across a range of areas. Roles may be found in foreign affairs analysis, marketing, tourism, hospitality, policy development, research, education, media, market research, journalism, and public affairs coordination

Intended Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Arts (International Studies), graduates will be able to:

  • Systematically review and critically evaluate research from a variety of sources to inform their knowledge and conceptual understanding in the areas of International Studies
  • Formulate arguments that are fit for purpose and demonstrate an understanding of the relevant theories and evidence in their areas of disciplinary expertise
  • Critically analyse information to generate creative solutions to solve complex problems in the area of International Studies
  • Define and integrate theoretical principles and apply these in their disciplinary areas of expertise
  • Apply knowledge and skills with responsibility and accountability for their own learning and practice, individually and in collaboration with others
  • Interpret and communicate ideas, problems and arguments in modes suitable to a range of audiences using a range of media
  • Coherently articulate a line of reasoning demonstrating cultural sensitivity and apply a framework to analyse and offer solutions to ethical dilemmas in local and international contexts
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