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Malawi College of Health Sciences Hostel Details

Malawi College of Health Sciences Hostel

Malawi College of Health Sciences Hostel Details; Malawi College of Health Sciences is pleased to announce names of successful candidates who have been selected into various training programmes at its campuses in Lilongwe, Blantyre and Zomba. The date of opening school will be announced in due course. All candidates have been selected on self-sponsorship and will be required to pay annual Tuition Fees of K500, 000.00 as non-residential students or K880, 000.00 as residential students. Fees may be revised anytime during the period of training at the
College. All selected candidates are expected to pay at least half of their fees in the College Account before the day of registration.
Candidates that will report before paying their fees will not be registered. There is very limited space for accommodation at the College and therefore interested candidates need to apply for accommodation in advance at their campuses. (Forms for accommodation can be obtained from any of the three campuses or downloaded on our website: www.mchs.mw). Priority will be given to those that will apply early and show proof of paying atleast half of their fees as residential students.
Candidates will also be required to pay Caution Fees; K5, 000.00, Identity Card; K5,000.00 and Union Fees; K800.00, (Please ensure that tuition fees has its own deposit slip and another deposit slip amounting to K10,800.00 should be used to pay for caution fees, identity card and union fees).
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Capital City
Account Name: Malawi College of Health Sciences
Account Name: 9100000898144
Candidates who will fail to report at the expiry of one week from the date of opening will have their places declared
vacant. The names of the successful candidates are follows: