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Mzuzu University Examination Timetable 2024-2025

Mzuzu University Examination Timetable 2024-2025

Mzuzu University Examination Timetable 2024-2025 | Mzuzu University has released the exams and teaching Timetable for the 2024-2025 academic year… Check details below.

The Authority of the Mzuzu University has released the 2024-2025 academic year Timetable. The Examination Timetable Draft is created for formal and prospective students of the University

As you can see, Mzuzu University Timetable is essential to both fresh and stale students of the Mzuzu University . Check Out Mzuzu University Examination Results.

How To Check Mzuzu Examination Timetable 2024-2025

You can visit and Access the Mzuzu University Timetable using a computer or mobile via the following link:

  • Mzuzu University End Of Semester Timetable: https://www.mzuni.ac.mw/

Mzuzu University Contact Address

Academic Registrar
Mzuzu University of
Science and Technology
P. O. Box 1410,
Tel. +256-414 668971
Liaison Office
Uganda Institute of Allied
Health and Management
Sciences (UIAHMS)
Former Mulago
Paramedical School
Mukiibi Yasin
Head, School of Med Lab
Liaison Office
Uganda Technology
and Management
University (UTAMU)
Bugolobi, Kampala
Grace Nakawunde
Liaison Office
Jinja School of
Nursing and
Jinja Kwihangana
Gerald (Registrar)

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