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Salima Technical College Faculties And Departments

Salima Technical College Departments And Courses

Salima Technical College Faculties And Departments; The college has the following departments: Administration, Automobile, Commercial, Construction and Engineering

Sections of the Administration Department.

  • Principal’s and Deputy Principal’s office responsible for running of the college
  • Bursar’s office for human resource management.
  • Finance served by an accounts assistant for all revenue duties.
  • Sores for storage and records of all equipment, materials and plant.
  • Transport with three utility vehicles; a pick up, minibus and twin cab.
  • Boarding and Catering responsible for students’ accommodation and meals, can also be hired by the public on a fee during holidays.
  • Maintenance and Sanitary responsible for repairing, keeping the premises clean, tidy and health to live in.
  • Security, takes care of all aspects of safety of property and life.
  • Registry for enquiries, record keeping, students enrolment and running errands for college.
  • The library, caters for all what the library has to serve.
  • We are in the process of developing an E-Library.