Uganda Wildlife Authority ( UWA )

Uganda Wildlife Authority ( UWA )

Uganda Wildlife Authority

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) is a semi-autonomous government agency that conserves and manages Uganda’s wildlife for the people of Uganda and the whole world. This agency was established in 1996 after the merger of the Uganda National Parks and the Game Department, and the enactment of the Uganda Wildlife Statute, which became an Act in 2000. UWA is mandated to ensure sustainable management of wildlife resources and supervise wildlife activities in Uganda both within and outside the protected areas.

With 10 national parks and 12 wildlife reserves under its jurisdiction, UWA’s role in managing the country’s tourism industry and attracting investors to the sector has been a significant one. It also manages five community wildlife management areas and 13 wildlife sanctuaries. The challenges facing the management and conservation of wildlife and biodiversity in Uganda are myriad, and they include poaching, competition in the regional tourism market, human wildlife conflict and wildlife crimes.

Stakeholders, partners and communities that live around these protected areas have been employed to help tackle some of these issues. The organization has also developed strategies within its management policies to help solve some of these challenges.

: Uganda National Parks

Important Contacts

Head Quarters

Plot 7 Kira Road, Kamwokya.
P.O. BOX 3530, Kampala, Uganda.

Telephone Contacts

Office:  +256 414 355000, +256 312 355000

Fax:  +256 414 346 291

Reservations and Booking: +256 414 355 409/410


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