Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz, Pretoria Applications, Fees and Subjects 2024-2025
Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz – See details of the schools contact information, tuition fees, and application for admission…
Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz Fees
Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz Skoolfonds
Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz Application Form
Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz Application Form 2024-2025 – see details below to apply…
Applying for a learner
Apply for a learner by clicking on “Apply for 2017” to proceed with
learner application
Select the learner’s first name, which was entered when registering that
learner as it appears on a dropdown list
Select the grade applying for in 2017
Select the address (Home/Work) on the address dropdown menu to
use for applying to the closet school
If Home/Work selected a dialog will pop-up to show on the closest
School to the home or work address
“Previous School” option may be selected on the dropdown menu to
provide for situations where a learner in grade 7 applying for grade 8
cannot afford to use home or work address based on the language
policy of the schools around the area
If “Previous School” is selected a dialog will pop-up to show the
closest school to the learners current school address
When you click “Apply “ to submit, your learner application will be
sent to schools that appeared on the pop-up message
A message confirming will be displayed on the screen
Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz Contacts
Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz Subjects Offered
Hoerskool Gerrit Maritz Subjects Offered – see the list of courses offered by the school:
English home language,
life orientation
physical sciences
life science
engineering graphics and design
physical sciences