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St Augustine College of South Africa Faculties

St Augustine College of South Africa Faculties 2024-2025

St Augustine College of South Africa
St Augustine College of South Africa

St Augustine College of South Africa Department of Humanities

St Augustine College of South Africa Department of Humanities – See Details Below:


The human condition and the experience of the human condition stand at the centre of the Department of Humanities. What unifies the various disciplines in the Department – Philosophy, Literature, Religious Studies and History ̶ is a common endeavour to plumb the depths of the human spirit.

This is pursued, on the one hand, through a rigorous philosophical analysis of the characteristics of being human, and of the different moods of human experience; on the other hand, it is pursued through the interpretation of the outcomes of the work of the human spirit in history and in the art (specifical literature).

Finally, the human experience of being called by, and being in a relationship with a divine “more” is thematised and interpreted in the discipline of Religious Studies.

St Augustine College of South Africa Social Science Department

St Augustine College of South Africa Social Science Department – See Details Below:


Social Science is involved in solving the world’s most pressing problems and can have a profound impact on every aspect of our shared lives.  It holds the promise of improving human well-being. For example, a question a social scientist might seek to pose is: what are the attitudes and behaviors of people towards those suffering from infectious diseases, violent crime, and gender-based violence?

Social science students at St Augustine College are prepared with knowledge, skills, and values in various disciplines and discourses that can transform society. Fields of study include, inter alia, economics, intercultural communication, law, politics, psychology, sociology, peace studies, and education.   Study in these fields foster students’ critical thinking & critical self-reflexivity, insight, ethical behavior, as well as analytical and communication skills. They contribute to realizing St Augustine College’s central values of respect for human dignity; solidarity; the common good; justice; and the preferential option for the disadvantaged and marginalized.

The task of the social sciences is to “ help men and women save their souls and, in so doing, save their society: from what? From the hell of meaninglessness, of obsession, of complex artifice, of systematic lying, of criminal evasions and neglect, and of self-destructive futilities” (Thomas Merton).

St Augustine College of South Africa Department of Theology 

St Augustine College of South Africa Department of Theology – See Details Below:


As a Catholic institution committed to fostering the dignity of the human person in service to the common good, Theology is central to St Augustine.

Questions of who we are as human persons, what is our place and purpose in creation, who is God and what is our relationship to God, have been at the core of theological education within the Catholic Intellectual Tradition for centuries. We stand within that tradition and seek to contribute to its growth from a unique South African perspective.

Through our balanced approach to faith and reason, we engage the two major sources for theologising: Scripture-in-Tradition and human experience. This holistic and ecumenically open approach to Theology is reflected in the design of all our teaching curricula as well as our pedagogical methods.

We offer programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, ranging from the Bachelor of Theology and the Bachelor of Theology (Hons) to the MPhil and the DPhil in Theology, as well as the Higher Certificate in Biblical Studies.

If you seek to mature in your faith by making it more profound, informed, and self-conscious, St Augustine is a place for you.

St Augustine College of South Africa Department of Research 

St Augustine College of South Africa Department of Research – See Details Below:


Not only does research lie at the very heart of academic inquiry, but it underpins what we can reliably know as individuals and as a society. In the era of fake news and fake facts, researchers around the globe continue to engage in careful study of various subjects in order to discover and disseminate genuine knowledge.

At St Augustine, we believe that the ultimate goal of all research is true and that, as humans, we are capable of discovering the truth, which runs through everything. Furthermore, we see generating new knowledge primarily as a means of serving the common good and building a more just society.

The Department is responsible for courses in Academic Development and Research Skills (a compulsory first-year undergraduate module) and CAPSTONE (an interdisciplinary research component in the final year of the BA program).

​At the postgraduate level, the Department provides research training through a range of initiatives, including the Academic Writing workshop, the Research Design, and Methods workshop, and the annual Doctoral Seminar.

Finally, the Department coordinates St Augustine Papers, our in-house Journal.  The Journal is published twice a year and presents research conducted by local and international