Al – Falaah College – Application – Fees and Subjects 2024-2025
Information provided on this page is focused on Al – Falaah College Admission for the 2023/2024 Academic year.
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On this Page you will find information on Al – Falaah College Application Forms 2024-2025. Al – Falaah College Online Applications 2024-2025. Al – Falaah College Uniforms. Al – Falaah College Subjects Offered. Al – Falaah College Prospectus PDF. Physical Education. Contact Details. Al – Falaah College Curriculum. IGCE, FET and Many more. Accommodation at Al – Falaah College, Feeding and Boarding Facilities can be inquired of by using the contact details below.
Most often parents are concerned about the best High School to enrol their wards. If you are a concerned parent or student searching for the best High School to attend, then we welcome you to our Al – Falaah College Admissions 2023/2024 page.
Al – Falaah College Admissions 2023/2024
Al – Falaah College Subjects 2024-2025
Matric Subject List
- English Home Language
- English 1st Additional Language
- Afrikaans Huistaal
- Afrikaans 1st Additional Language
- Other 1st Additional Language
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Literacy
- Physical, Computer and Life Science Subjects
- Life Science (Used to be Biology)
- Physical Science (Physics and Chemistry)
- Business, Commerce and Management Studies
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Human and Social Studies
- Geography
- History
General Education and Training (GET):
Grades 8 and 9 do all compulsory subjects, plus a choice of Isixhosa, French, Visual Arts and Music
Further Education and Training (FET)
Grades 10, 11 and 12 complete following compulsory subjects: English (Home Language), Afrikaans (1st Additional Language) or Isixhosa (1st Additional Language), Mathematics or Maths Literacy and Life Orientation
Choice Subjects to make up seven subjects: Physical Science, Life Science, Music, French (1nd Additional), Geography, History, Visual Arts, Economics, Accounting, Information Technology.
Al – Falaah College Application Forms 2024-2025
Al – Falaah College encourage prospective students to apply online or paper based application forms as soon as possible for 2022 / 2023 academic year.
Application deadline can be found by contacting the school below. Contacts are below.
Institution: Al – Falaah College
Al – Falaah College Fees 2024-2025
Student fees are broken down as follows:
- Application fees
- Acceptance deposit
- Tuition fees
- Accommodation fees
- Miscellaneous fees and levies
- Interest
Students at pay tuition fees for every course taken. These tuition fees vary from course to course and cover:
- registration
- all charges for classes, tutorials and laboratories
- ordinary university examinations
- library access
- compulsory personal accident insurance
- the use of general sporting facilities
- in the case of medical students, hospital fees for clinical instruction.
Al – Falaah College Uniforms
PE Uniform: The PE uniform is for all students. These will be available through the school store.
BOYS: The boy’s uniform is the same for the whole school. Boys may wear shorts or trousers as prescribed by the school.
GIRLS: The girl’s uniform is the same for the whole school. Girls may wear shorts or trousers as prescribed by the school.
Purchasing: Please stop by the Uniform Store at school premises.
Al – Falaah College DRESS CODE
To maintain high expectations and to support a conducive learning environment, please adhere to the following criteria for the dress code.
Hillgrove High School complies with the CCSD Dress Code.
As a rule of thumb, the Six “B’s” to avoid overall are: Buttocks, Bosoms, Boxers, Bellies, Bras and Backs (lower). Exposure of any of the “B’s” will be addressed immediately.
Students may NOT wear:
- Pajamas, boxer shorts, slippers/house shoes or cut-off sweatpants.
- Any fabric that is see-through (tops, pants or dresses). Undergarments should not be exposed.
- Shirts or blouses that are cut off to expose stomachs and lower backs; show cleavage or midriff; that are see-through; Open back that exposes bra straps or lower back; camisoles; Shirts or blouses with elongated arm openings or opened in the front or sides without an undershirt. Undershirts in isolation and/or those that are deemed inappropriate by administration. Tops that violate the “B’s” in the rule of thumb above.
- Shorts that are not visible under blouse OR that expose buttocks. Shorts must be visible and lengthy enough to be seen and not to cause confusion as to whether they exist.
- Clothing which advertises alcohol or substances that are illegal for minors or display suggestive phrases, designs, markings, or profanities.
- Hats, caps, bandanas, or other head coverings during the school day.Head coverings worn for religious or medical reasons will be approved by administration.
- Pants with holes that show private parts or expose the buttocks, unfastened belts, or exposed underwear.
- Clothing that displays weapons, violence, gang affiliations, racial slurs, sexual connotations, or any other clothing that causes a disruption.
- Chains or spiked accessories.
As in all matters of dress code, determination of conformity is ultimately at the discretion of administration. Students that fail to adhere to the dress code may be subject to consequences for not following instructions.
Al – Falaah College Matric Results is committed to delivering holistic info to our readers. Click to find Al – Falaah College Contact Details for more information.
Al – Falaah College Contact Details
Al-Falaah College Contact Details – see details below…
Address: 99 Lotus Road, Springfield, Durban, 4091
Tel: 031 208 7652
Fax: 031 208 7680
The National Senior Certificate Examinations
When will the final National Senior Certificate examination be conducted?
From October to December of each year.
Must a learner register to write the final National Senior Certificate examination?
Yes, before 15 March of the year that a learner will sit for the final examination. All subjects to be written, including those from approved assessment bodies must be registered.
Who is eligible to write the National Senior Certificate examination?
- Current Grade 12 learners
- Anyone whose School-based Assessment validity has not expired may register as a part-time candidate for the NSC examinations. The School-based Assessment validity expires after 3 years from the date the candidate first wrote the NSC exams.
What are the minimum requirements for a candidate to obtain a National Senior Certificate?
The minimum requirements are:
- Achieve 40% in three subjects, one of which is an official language at Home Language level and 30% in three subjects.
- Provide full evidence in the SBA component in the subjects offered
What is the role of Umalusi?
Umalusi is responsible for the quality assurance of assessment in the Grade 12-year and issues the National Senior Certificate to successful candidates.