Make sure you have a working email address, which anyone can create by
registering an email address on
FYI: You will also need a working cell phone number and a postage address.
5. Financial Aid
Have a look at the fee’s booklet with your parents or guardians and together. Come to a conclusion about whether or not you might need financial aid. If your household income falls below a certain bracket, either of your parents or guardians are pensioners or either of your parents are unemployed, you may qualify for financial aid.
If you do require financial aid from your University, there will usually be a separate form you may need to complete. Make sure you have your parent or guardian’s most recent pay slip for this.
6. Current Year’s Activity
For your application, you will most likely need to fill in what you have been doing for the last year.
- If you were a student at school you also have to submit your exam results and school subjects.
- If you were traveling, you may be required to provide details of your activities.
7. Signing the Declaration
Your application will need to be signed by your parents or guardians and by you.
- Make sure that you all know exactly what you are signing and that all the information in the application is true and correct.
8. Supporting Documents
Most of the applications require some supporting documents.
- These are certified copies or your ID and certified copies of your parents or guardians ID’s.
- Other supporting documents may be your exam results, proof of residence and a recent pay slip.
- Make sure that you have copies of these documents and never send the original!
9. Pay the Application Fee
Find out what the application fee for your University is and make sure that you pay the fee in the required method before you send your application.
- Do not send your application fee via post.
- Pay the fee at the bank or via EFT.
- Find out whether or not you need to provide a proof of payment that the application fee has been paid.
10. Acceptance
If you are accepted to your chosen University you will be sent a formal letter or email.
- You will usually have a few months in which to accept based on your final results (so no slacking off yet!) Remember to accept the offer and make sure that in the following year you have paid the Minimum Initial Payment.
- The MIP is the minimum amount of your fees which must be paid in order for you to begin a ‘payment plan’ with the university. It is also often what must be paid in order for you to secure a place in a residence.