How to Apply to Tshwane University of Technology TUT 2024-2025

A few things to remember when applying online to Tshwane University of Technology:
- Make sure you have an email address.
- Have you calculated your APS? You’ll need to do this before applying. Find out how here. How to Calculate your APS at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)
- Be sure to complete the application in full to avoid delays.
- All applicants will be required to send a certified copy of your Identification Document (or Passports for international students).
- You may not fax any of these documents.
- Read and make sure you comply with TUT’s further instructions and important information for online application.
How to complete the TUT online application:
Click the link below to be directed to TUTs online application portal. Should you be presented with a blank page, try reload the page. If the problem persists, please email
- post it to:
Tshwane University of Technology
Private Bag X680
Pretoria 0001
- or hand deliver to:
Central Admissions Office
Building 21-LG20
Pretoria Campus
Staatsartillerie Road
Pretoria West
Things to note when applying via hardcopy application:
- Do not post cash with your application in the mail. Use postal orders or cheques with registered mail.
- Have you calculated your APS? You’ll need to do this before applying. Find out how here. How to Calculate your APS at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)
- Make sure you have attached all relevant supporting documentation.
Contact Tshwane University of Technology:
For more information on how to apply to TUT, you can visit their website.
Alternatively, you can contact the Tshwane University of Technology on the following details:
Tel: 086 110 2421
More Information On TUT Online Application 2024-2025
TUT Admission Requirements
No person may be registered as a student in a programme of TUT, unless he or she has complied with the following
General admission requirements for TUT
- A pass mark in English at Senior Certificate level (minimum additional language; certain programmes may require first or home language status)
- Each course has its own specific admission requirements.
- Prospective students should note that the admission requirements of individual programmes could change from year to year.
- For some programmes, students will be required to write an admission test, which will determine whether they will be admitted to the programme, or whether it will be recommended to them that they enrol for a relevant foundation course.
The following table indicates the levels of performance required for entry to specific levels of study:
TUT Requirements NSC – Gaps your profile
Results format for the new NSC-G and the minimum admission requirements for TUT:
Rating code | Rating Marks | |
1 | Outstanding achievement | 80 – 100 |
2 | Meritorious achievement | 70 – 79 |
3 | Degree substantial achievement | 60 – 69 |
4 | Diploma adequate achievement | 50 – 59 |
5 | Foundation moderate achievement | 40 – 49 |
6 | Elementary achievement | 30 – 39 |
7 | Not achieved | 0 – 29 |
Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy?
All learners are required to take one of the two subjects for NSC-G purposes
TUT position:
- Mathematics is relevant to programmes that require a prior knowledge of mathematics; all others may only require Mathematical Literacy. (Details of what each subject entails can be determined by looking at the DoE curriculum statements, available on the DoE website).
2024-2025 Online Applications Form
Posted applications to:
The Campus Director
Private Bag X9496
Hand-delivered applications and applications submitted in person:
Cor. Market and Excelsior Streets
Tel: 015 287 0700
Fax: 015 297 7609
Posted applications to:
The Campus Director
Private Bag X11312
Hand-delivered applications and applications submitted in person:
Madiba Drive
Tel: 013 745 3500/3603
Fax: 013 745 3512
Posted applications to:
The Campus Director
Private Bag X3211
Hand-delivered applications and applications submitted in person:
19 OR Tambo Road
Tel: 013 653 3100
Fax: 013 653 3101
- A fully completed application form and recently certified (certification may not be not older than one year) copies of your original identity document and (National) Senior Certificate and/or highest academic results, as well as the administration fee, must reach TUT before the specified closing dates.
- Late applications will be considered only if there is space available in the programmes concerned. TUT can accommodate only a limited number of students per programme.
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