Boston City Campus and Business College Registration 2024-2025

Boston City Campus and Business College Registration 2021-22 – See Details Below:
DHET Regulations 24(n) & (s)
When you register at the beginning of each academic year, a Registration Contract (i.e. the enrolment contract) must be completed in full and must be signed by the student, their legal guardian (if necessary), the account payer, and the person providing financial surety for those paying the tuition fees. The Registration Contract is a legally binding document and is restricted to a twelve (12) month cycle (at a time). Once the Registration Contract has been signed, the account payer becomes liable for the registration, tuition, and fees of the program registered for, after a 7-day cooling-off period. Refunds may be requested by submitting the request in writing and supported by an explanation of the circumstances leading to the request for a refund. The Institution considers refund requests on a case-by-case basis and the decision to refund monies is at the absolute and sole discretion of the management of Boston City Campus & Business College. Information pertaining to withdrawal from a program once studies have
commenced (i.e. cancellation) or pertaining to applications for deferral of studies are set out in the Registration Contract and/or the Student Rulebook. See also information under ‘Fees’.