CAO Application Forms PDF Download 2024-2025
If you wish to apply to CAO using the paper application form, please contact CAO well in advance of the closing date, and a copy of the paper application form will be posted to you. The application fee is €45 for paper applications received by the 1st February at 5:15pm or €90 for paper applications received after 1st February deadline and before 1st May at 5:15pm.
Paper applications submitted to CAO by the 1st February at 5:15 pm will be sent a Statement of Course Choices before the 15th February. If not received, you must contact CAO immediately.
Late paper applicants will be sent a Statement of Course Choices before the 15th May. If not received, you must contact CAO immediately.
CAO South Africa Banking Details
CAO South Africa Contact Details
CAO South Africa Application Forms
CAO Application Form South Africa
Central Applications Office CAO South Africa
CAO Online Application South Africa
Offer Stage
CAO South Africa Important Correspondence
CAO South Africa Accepting an Offer
CAO South Africa The Point-Scoring System for Leaving Certificate Applicants
CAO South Africa Points Calculation for Examinations
CAO South Africa Deferring an Offer
CAO South Africa : Taking up a Deferral
CAO South Africa : Available Places / Space
CAO South Africa : The Leaving Certificate Recheck Process
CAO South Africa : Registration on your Accepted Course
CAO Applications to be made Direct to Higher Education Institutions