Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Distance Learning

Distance Learning:-
Course is offered in distance Learning mode, therefore students from across South Africa may apply to register.
Study material is available electronically via the CPUT Learner Management System, Blackboard (my classroom). Students must have reliable internet as well as a personal computer with a webcam.
Distance learning students are welcome to attend the block-release sessions in Cape Town, but this is entirely optional.
Cape Town Campus:-
Fulltime:- Course is offered on Cape Town Campus, full-time lectures during the day.
Part-Time:- Course is offered part-time on Cape Town Campus, evening classes from 17:15 to 21:15 on selected evenings
Block Release:-. The course is offered on Cape Town Campus:- 1-week attendance per quarter (proposed 2018 dates:- Block 1: 12 to 16 March; Block 2: 14 to 18 May; Block 3: 20 to 24 August; Block 4: 8 to 12 October)
About the Centre for e-Learning
The Centre for e-Learning delivers a strategic support service to lecturers and researchers in the effective pedagogical use of networked computer technologies for teaching and learning. The centre has been the custodian of the online learner management system (LMS) since 2000.
The LMS provides a secure and stable environment for teaching and learning activities, in line with the 2004 White Paper on e-education. The LMS at CPUT, also known as my classroom can be accessed directly at 24 hours a day from any location with an Internet connection, using desktop computers, laptops, notebooks, tablets and even some smartphones. Staff at the Centre for e-Learning provide training in the use of the LMS and assist lecturers and researchers in designing online teaching and learning material.
The system enables lecturers to facilitate the learning process by applying various modes of online teaching. The traditional face-to-face classroom activity is enhanced with synchronous and asynchronous activities.
The student is able to access learning materials, interact with fellow learners and ask questions. Students can receive assistance from lecturers or tutors and submit online assessments and assignments.
Contact us
Marilyn Eckhardt
Tel: +27 21 464 7242
Fax: +27 21 464 7251
Physical location:
Cnr of Tennant and Caledon Streets, CBD
CapeTown campus