Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Faculty of Education

Cape Peninsula University of Technology Faculty of Education – See Details Below:
The Faculty of Education is located on the Mowbray and Wellington campuses of CPUT. Our core business is teacher education, with the bulk of our students in initial or pre-service teacher education, through the four-year Bachelor of Education. The rest of our academic offerings address educator development needs at pre-service and in-service level, undergraduate and postgraduate levels, through the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (for those who want to join the teaching profession after acquiring a degree other than education); and for those already with qualifications and experience in the Education field, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education, the Advanced Certificate in Education, and Honours, Masters and doctoral degrees.
Our Faculty is the biggest teacher education provider in the Western Cape, with students from all over the country. At the Mowbray, campus instruction is offered in English, while at the Wellington campus the undergraduate programme is offered in Afrikaans.
As educators, we pride ourselves for belonging to what is known as a noble profession – a service-oriented profession. We acknowledge the responsibility we have to influence the future through the young people we train and develop, and the even younger people they will train and develop. We are also aware of the challenges that face the education sector in our country, from inadequate teaching spaces, limited access to education, under-qualified educators and education managers, absence of commitment and professionalism in some sectors of our profession, and a generally underperforming education system. We look at these challenges as our challenges and believe that with our dedicated staff, relevant academic offerings, and the necessary support we get from our university, the Western Cape Education Department and the national Department of Higher Education and Training, our contribution in this regard is making a difference, not just to this Province but to the nation. We thus invite those who share in this vision and want to be part of this contribution, to register with us for one of the many options in educator development.
Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Faculty of Education Courses
CPUT Faculty of Education Courses Offered – See Details Below:
Diplomas and Degrees
- BEd: Senior Phase & Fet Teaching
- PGCE: Further Education And Training
- Diploma: Education: Grade R
- BEd: Intermediate Phase Teaching
- BEd: Foundation Phase Teaching
- BEd: Honours In Educational Management And Leadership
- BEd Hons: Educational Management And Leadership
- BEd Hons: Teaching And Learning
- MEd: Education
Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Faculty of Education Departments
CPUT Faculty of Education Departments – See Details Below:
Departments and contacts
The Faculty of Education is divided into four academic departments:
- CPUT Department for Foundation Phase Studies
- CPUT Department for Intermediate Phase Studies
- CPUT Department of Senior and Further Education and Training Phase
- CPUT Department of Teacher Professional Development
The Faculty also has a strong research component that is supported by the Department of Research and Postgraduate Studies.