Central University of Technology CUT Bursary and Loan

Central University of Technology CUT Bursary and Loan – See Details Below:
Bursary: an outright grant made in respect of specified educational expenses.
b.Bursary/loan: a single individual award, of which a fixed percentage will be an outright grant, and the balance repayable after the student leaves CUT or is no longer registered as a student. Specific conditions are specified by the fund.
c.Entrant: for reference purposes, an entrant is a student who is registering at CUT for the first time.
d.Financial aid: awards from one or more sources offered to a student to supplement his/her family’s contribution and external funding, to the level necessary to meet basic costs.
e.Loan: money lent to a student to meet study-related costs, which money must be REPAID. Interest is charged on loan funds.
Loans (Finacial Aid) – Central University of Technology Bursaries 2024-2025
NSFAS APPLICATION PROCESS FOR FINANCIAL AID NSFAS Application Process On 01 August 2016 The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) will switch to an online administered system. What does this mean for prospective students?
What does this mean for current students?
What does the mean for students who were previously funded but not in 2016?
Funding will be granted provided the funded student meets the NSFAS academic requirements
Apply online: www.nsfas.org.za | E-mail: apply@nsfas.org.za | Fax: 086 644 2822 |
EDULOANFor more information on EDULOAN, visit http://www.eduloan.co.za. On campus assistance Lapeng Student Centre, tel: +27(0)51 4476210 Customer care: 0860 5555 44 |
STANDARD BANK STUDENT LOANThe issue of the ‘missing middle’ funding continues to be a challenge. In his communique dated 13 January 2016, the Director General: Higher Education and Training, Mr. G Qonde, indicated that one if the outcomes of the ‘Presidential Task Team on short-term student funding challenges at universities’ was the process to develop a new model which will be put in place immediately with the intention of being tested in the academic year, for full implementation in 2024-2025….read more. View Standard Bank Student Loan information pack. |
Contact us
Bloemfontein Campus
Mrs K Wilbraham | E-mail: kwilbrah@cut.ac.za
Mr M Klassen | E-mail: mklassen@cut.ac.za
Mrs L Scwebu | E-mail: lscwebu@cut.ac.za
Student Accounts (balances, quotations, results)
Ms A Moleme | E-mail: amoleme@cut.ac.za
Ms M van Wyk | E-mail: mvwyk@cut.ac.za
Ms S Shoroma | E-mail: pkulan@cut.ac.za
Mr M Klassen | E-mail: mklassen@cut.ac.za
Ms N Bogatsu | E-mail: nbogatsu@cut.ac.za
Bank deposits (Banking Details)
Ms B Beckman | E-mail: bbeckmann@cut.ac.za
Switchboard tel: +27(0)51 507 3911
Welkom Campus
Bursaries and Loans
Mrs E Taka | Tel: +27(0)57 910 3663 | E-mail: etaka@cut.ac.za
Ms N Leteane | Tel: +27(0)57 910 3661 | E-mail: nleteane@cut.ac.za