Central University of Technology CUT Faculties

Central University of Technology CUT Faculties – See Details Below:
Central University of Technology CUT Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences
Central University of Technology CUT Faculty of Humanities
Central University of Technology CUT Faculty of Management Sciences
CUT Admission Requirements 2024-2025 – See Details Below:
Bachelor’s Degree
A bachelor’s pass means you can apply for a degree course at a university or university of technology and can study for a higher certificate, diploma or bachelor’s degree.
To achieve a bachelor’s pass, you must:
- Pass 6 of the 7 subjects offered;
- Of which four Subjects must be at least a 50% (level 4) achievement;
- Including Home Language 40% Compulsory Pass /excluding Life Orientation;
- 30% Pass in the Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT);
- The Department of Basic Education has revoked the list of designated subjects with effect from September 2018;
- The minimum admission requirements for a Bachelor’s degree program remain the same, namely, an NSC with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the Higher Education Institution (HEI), coupled with an achievements rating of 4 (50-59%) or better in any four (4) NSC subject except Life Orientation. CUT Admission Requirements
A diploma pass requires 40% in four higher credit subjects, 30% in three lower credit subjects, and you may fail one subject.
With this pass, you can enroll for a bridging course at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college or a diploma course at a university of technology.
To receive a diploma pass, a student must:
- Pass 6 of the 7 subjects offered;
- Of which 4 Subjects must be at least a 40% (level 3) achievement;
- Subjects include Home Language at 40% Compulsory Pass /excluding Life Orientation;
- 30% Pass in Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT).
If the student opts for TVET college and would like to transfer to CUT at a later stage, the requirements for N level qualifications can be viewed
A certificate pass requires a 40% pass in your home language, 2 subjects above 40%, 4 subjects above 30% and you may fail 1 subject. This pass allows you to study for a higher certificate.
CUT Admission Requirements for Certificate Courses
A certificate pass requires a 40% pass in your home language, 2 subjects above 40%, 4 subjects above 30% and you may fail 1 subject. This pass allows you to study for a higher certificate.
CUT Admission Requirements for Diploma Courses
CUT Admission Requirements for Diploma Courses – See Details Below:
A diploma pass requires 40% in four higher credit subjects, 30% in three lower credit subjects, and you may fail one subject.
With this pass, you can enrol for a bridging course at a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college or a diploma course at a university of technology.
To receive a diploma pass, a student must:
- Pass 6 of the 7 subjects offered;
- Of which 4 Subjects must be at least a 40% (level 3) achievement;
- Subjects include Home Language at 40% Compulsory Pass /excluding Life Orientation;
- 30% Pass in Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT).
If the student opts for TVET college and would like to transfer to CUT at a later stage, the requirements for N level qualifications can be viewed
- A candidate for a university of technology degree, diploma or certificate must be in possession of at least the NSC or equivalent qualification approved by Senate.
- A candidate must score at least 27 or more points on the CUT scoring scale, for admission to CUT. (See the CUT scoring scale in the section below for the appropriate weights according to which the above-mentioned totals are calculated.) However, admission to a particular programme is subject to the requirements of that programme (see section below for the regulations pertaining to learning programmes).
- Life Orientation forms part of the final score, with a maximum value of one.
- A candidate is expected to possess a minimum level of proficiency in English since this is the language of learning and teaching (LoLT) at CUT. A mark of 50% for English as Home Language (vernacular) or First Additional Language is therefore considered to be sufficient, although any proof of proficiency in the English language will also be taken into consideration.
- If a candidate meets the minimum subject requirements for the certificate, diploma or degree, but scores fewer than the minimum points on the CUT scoring scale for the NSC examination, CUT will consider the following aspects:
- There must be a place available for the candidate in the particular learning programme.
- There must be a place available for the candidate in the particular learning programme.
- If an applicant fails to qualify for admission to CUT in terms of these regulations, he/she may be subject to the testing of potential, refer to CUT calendar for more information.
See Also: Central University of Technology CUT Registration
Regulations pertaining to the testing of potential
The candidate must meet the necessary subject requirements for the learning programme in question.
The following measuring instruments are used to test the potential of a candidate:
- RPL, with admission to be approved before a candidate may register;
- Assessment of the prior experience of mature learners;
- GSAT and English Proficiency Test results;
- NSC results; and
- Any other measuring instrument as determined by the Senate or Council.
The results of the above-mentioned measuring instruments are used in accordance with the following guidelines:
- The results are arranged in sequence of achievement.
- The best candidates are accepted in accordance with the need and vacancies in the specific learning programme.
- A candidate who is not selected may be reconsidered at a subsequent selection opportunity, where the same procedures as those described above will be followed.
- The candidate must deliver proof that he/she is able to express himself/herself well in English, both verbally and in writing so that he/she can benefit fully from the learning programme of his/her choice. Some departments, however, set higher requirements with regard to language proficiency. A candidate will be offered a place in a postgraduate programme on condition that he/she possesses a minimum level of proficiency in English.
See Also: Central University of Technology CUT Application Fee
For candidates who completed the NSC in 2008 and thereafter, CUT awards academic weights for achievement according to the following scoring scale:
Percentage achieved in NSC subject |
30 – 39% |
40 – 49% |
50 – 59% |
60 – 69% |
70 – 79% |
80 – 89% |
90 – 100% |
Points rating for % value |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Please note: A candidate scoring 21 points or less on CUT’s scoring scale will not be admitted. A candidate scoring 22 – 26 points on CUT’s scoring scale must undergo a selection test. A candidate must obtain an achievement level of at least 4 (50 – 59%) in Life Orientation in the NSC. Even if a higher mark is achieved in Life Orientation, the value will still only be awarded as 1 on the CUT scoring scale.
A candidate who scores fewer than 22 points on the CUT scoring scale in the July or subsequent NSC examination is considered to be a candidate who does not possess the necessary skills to successfully pursue a course of study at CUT under the prevailing circumstances. Such a candidate will not be admitted to CUT.
A candidate is expected to possess a minimum level of proficiency in English, as this is the LoLT at CUT. A mark of 50% for English as Home Language (vernacular) or First Additional Language is therefore considered to be sufficient, although any sufficient proof of proficiency in the English language will also be taken into consideration. In this regard, see section above and the general language policy of CUT.
A candidate may be expected to attend an interview, undergo a selection test, and/or make a written presentation to the relevant Head of Department. Candidates who have not recently been engaged in the study and who apply for admission to postgraduate studies are normally invited for such an interview or are requested to undergo a selection test and/or make a written presentation. No offer of admission to CUT will be made during such an interview or selection opportunity. Any offer of admission to CUT will be in writing and will be mailed to the candidate.
Applications of foreign candidates are considered in accordance with the same regulations as those applicable to other candidates, provided that the foreign qualifications of such candidates are considered equivalent by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Foreign candidates must complete and submit an application form for international students, and must also meet any and all requirements that may be set for higher education studies in South Africa.