Clapham High School is a public school, located in Pretoria town, Gauteng Province. For more information please see the school contacts below.
Clapham High School Contacts
School Name: Clapham High School
District Name: Tshwane North
Gauteng Reference Number: 240580
Emis Number: 700240580
Fee: Yes
Street No: 1352
Street Name: Baxoxele Street
Township/Village: Soshanguve
Suburb: Soshanguve
City/Town : Pretoria
Telephone: 0127984748
Cell Phone: 0727954741
District Municipality: City Of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
Local Municipality: City Of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality
Ward Number: 94
Latitude: -25.46641968
Longitude: 28.09159028