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Cornerstone College Applications, Fees and Subjects 2024-2025

Cornerstone College Applications, Fees and Subjects 2024-2025

Cornerstone College – See details of the schools contact information, list of subjects offered, tuition fees and application for admission:

Cornerstone College Application Form

Cornerstone College Subjects Offered

Cornerstone College Fees

Cornerstone College Fees – see details below…

Day School Fee Structure

Fees (and other sundry expenses) are payable when due, and the account must be settled at the end of each month.

Grades R-7

* Registration Fee - R400 
Sibling registration (ie brother or sister) - R350

Monthly x 11 - R2 320
Sibling Monthly - R2 100

Biannual (January & June) - R12 300
Sibling Biannual - R11 070

Annual (January) - R23 830
Sibling Annual - R21 450

The sibling rate is applied to the fees of the older sibling, on application.

Grades 8-12

* Registration Fee - R500 
Sibling registration (ie brother or sister) - R450

Monthly x 11 (Grade 12 in advance only) - R2 870
Sibling Monthly - R2 590

Monthly x 10 (Grade 12) - R3 170
Sibling Monthly - R2 850

Biannual (January & June) - R15 190
Sibling Biannual - R13 670

Annual (January) - R29 430
Sibling Annual - R26 490

The sibling rate is applied to the fees of the older sibling, on application.

 Hostel Fee Structure

School fee + Hostel fee = Total due per month

 Hostel Fee Structure

* Application Fee - R200 
Sibling registration (ie brother or sister) - R150

Monthly x 11 (Grade 8-11) - R4 030
Sibling Monthly and Grade 6 & 7- R3 630

Monthly x 10 (Grade 12 ) - R4 460
Sibling Monthly - R4 000

Biannual (January & June) - R21 300
Sibling Biannual and Grade 6 & 7- R19 180

Annual (January) - R41 730
Sibling Annual and Grade 6 & 7- R37 560

The sibling rate is applied to the fees of the older sibling, on application.

Cornerstone College Contacts

Cornerstone College Contacts – see details below:

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 16:00
Fridays: 07:30 - 14:00
Tel:  012 804 8350
Fax:  012 804 9170
Email :
Physical Address
530 Moreleta Street
Silverton, Pretoria

Postal Address
Private bag x1840
Silverton, Pretoria

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