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Cornerstone College Subjects Offered 2024-2025

Cornerstone College Subjects Offered 2024-2025

Cornerstone College Subjects Offered

Cornerstone College Subjects Offered – see the list of courses offered at Cornerstone College…

he national CAPS syllabi are followed in all subjects and grades. The pupils are taught in English.
The matriculants write their final examinations in October and November 2020.
Subjects offered for Grades R to 3 (Foundation Phase) follow the Department of Basic
Education (DBE) guidelines
The Grade 4 – 6 learners (Intermediate Phase) are obliged by the DBE to take the following
 English
 Afrikaans
 Mathematics
 Social Sciences (History & Geography)
 Natural Sciences (Science & Biology) and
Technology (including computers)
 Life-Skills (Creative Arts, Phys. Ed.,
Personal well-being)
The Grade 7 – 9 learners are obliged by the DBE to take the following subjects:
 English Home Language
 Afrikaans First Additional Language (FAL)
African Language (FAL)
 Economic & Management Sciences (EMS)
 Social Sciences (History & Geography)
 Mathematics
 Natural Sciences (Physical Science &
Biology) (NS)
 Creative Arts (CA)
 Life Orientation and Phys. Ed. (LO)
 Technology (Design and Computers (Tech)
All Grade 4 – 9: The Mathletics and Lector Reading computerised courses are compulsory.
We offer the following subjects to Grade 10 – 12 (FET) learners:
 @English (Home Language)
 English (1st Additional Language)
 Afrikaans (1st Additional Language)
 Sepedi (Home and FAL)
 Isizulu (Home and FAL)
 @Mathematics
 Mathematical Literacy
 Computer Application Technology (CAT)
 @Information Technology (IT)
 Life Sciences (Biology)
 @Physical Science
 Geography
 Life Orientation
 Business Studies
 Economics
 @Accounting
 History