Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Requirements for NRF Postgraduate Funding

A student must obtain:
A minimum average of 65% for major subjects in the final undergraduate year of study for
honors funding;
A minimum average of 65% at the honours level or final year of a four-year degree for
masters funding; and
. If a student does not have a numerical mark indicated for the master’s degree, will the
NRF fund such students?
Where universities classify masters’ students’ results in the categories of “Pass” or “Pass with distinction”, the university must disclose to the NRF the numerical mark for making such classification. A student with a classification of “Pass” or “Pass with distinction” will be allowed to apply for the current call. For the call that will be open in April 2021, a student without a numerical pass mark will not be eligible for NRF funding. However such applications might be considered for funding by the NRF on a case-by-case basis.
21. What are the minimum academic requirements for students that are financially needy or living with a disability to be eligible for Full Cost of Study (FCS) funding by NRF? A student must obtain:
• A minimum average of 65% for major subjects in the final undergraduate year of study for
honours funding;
• A minimum average of 65% at the honours level or final year of a four-year degree for
masters funding; and
A minimum of 65% at the masters level for doctoral funding.A minimum of 65% at the masters level for doctoral funding.