CPUT Undergraduate Online Application 2024-2025

CPUT Undergraduate Online Application 2024-2025 – see details below to download the application form to apply …
Use your official documents to help you fill in the application form. Read the application form’s instructions carefully and fill in all the required sections. Incomplete forms will not be processed.
Kindly check the links below before your proceed:
- Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Fees Structure
- Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Admission Requirements
- Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Courses Offered
- Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Prospectus
Here are some tips to help you fill in the form correctly.
- Your name, surname, and identity number or passport number must be filled in exactly as they are written in your identity document or passport.
- When filling in the qualification you want to study, make sure that you use the correct name of the qualification. Check the name of the qualification on the CPUT website or in the prospectus booklet.
- Applicants are limited to three choices (to be filled in on one form). Any further applications will be discarded.
- If you want to stay in a CPUT residence, tick Yes in the appropriate block and complete the residence application form at the back of the application form. You will not be allocated a place in a residence if you do not tick Yes and complete the residence application form. Residence space is not guaranteed.
- Your address is the address where you live permanently. Ask your parents for a municipal bill and copy the address from the bill.
- Even if you are going to apply for a bursary or loan you must fill in the details of the person who is responsible for paying your fees since bursaries and loans are not guaranteed.
- Read through and complete the legal undertaking in full.
- Complete the checklist at the back of the form.
- Read through the form again to make sure you have filled in all the information.
See Also: Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Undergraduate Prospectus
Submit your online application
- Applicants that have never applied and/or studied (including Short Courses) at CPUT before (i.e. no existing CPUT student number)If uncertain, verify for existing CPUT Student Number
Or proceed with online application
- Applicants that have never applied and/or studied (including Short Courses) at CPUT before (i.e. no existing CPUT student number)If uncertain, verify for existing CPUT Student Number
See Also: Cape Peninsula University of Technology CPUT Online Application Status
- Applicants that have applied and/or studied (including Short Courses) at CPUT before (i.e. have an existing CPUT student number)If uncertain, verify for existing CPUT Student Number
Or proceed with online application
- Applicants that have applied and/or studied (including Short Courses) at CPUT before (i.e. have an existing CPUT student number)If uncertain, verify for existing CPUT Student Number
- If you have already submitted your application online but wish to edit/add information or submit supporting documentation.
In order to ensure compliance with COVID-19 protocols for Higher Education institutions, only off-campus registrations will be possible.
CPUT’s Covid-19 contingency plans may be accessed using the following link: https://www.cput.ac.za/about/covid-19
View and download the 2021 registration booklet or detailed registration information, online assistance and other important information:
The ability to register for the 2021 intake will not be possible before JANUARY 2021
First-Year students:
Off-campus and online registration: Monday, 1 March 2021 until Friday, 12 March 2021
If you wrote Grade 12 in 2019 or before, then you can register from Monday, 1st March 2021.
If you wrote Grade 12 in 2020, then the faculties will need to verify your results – you can register once you receive a confirmation SMS that your status has been changed (or check on www.cput.ac.za/study/track)
Please register immediately since spaces in programmes fill up quickly
Returning students:
Off-campus and online registrations vary from faculty to faculty.
Some programmes have been identified to commence with off-campus registrations but with no assistance as early as from Monday, 11 January 2021.
Undergraduate Registration (MTech/ Masters/ MEd and DTech/ Doctoral/ DEd programmes)
Returning students (Full Research M and D programmes) 31 March 2021
MTech/ Masters (Course-based programmes) 31 March 2021
First-time registering students (Full Research M and D programmes) 31 May 2021
Online assistance capacity has been increased for all online registration processes. Students who wish to receive off-campus assistance can contact the Call Centre on 086 123 2788 / 021 959 6767 or visit the following link for detailed contact information https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries
First time entering/ First-year students will be able to register without any financial clearance
Students with outstanding debt will not be able to proceed with the registration process unless the financial clearance indicator has been removed from your record regardless of any other clearances obtained. Students will only be able to proceed with registrations once financially cleared.
For further details, please consult the 2021 registration booklet
Payments can be made at any branch of ABSA bank or via Internet banking. For further details, please consult the 2021 registration booklet
International registration clearance is compulsory to the following students (excluding South African citizens and/or Permanent Residency students):
- Refugee Permit holders
- Asylum Seeker permit holders
- Non-SA citizen Passport holders with a study visa (i.e. no SA ID number)
IMPORTANT: Please download the International Pre-registration checklist here, complete and submit to the contact persons as indicated in the 2021 registration booklet prior to commencement of registrations. For further details, please consult the 2021 registration booklet
Specifications for your computer: Internet Explorer 7 or higher, with Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 or higher. No other browsers are certified for online registrations at CPUT.
There is an online registration support document for your convenience and is available on our website http://www.cput.ac.za/sos
Academic Registrations
Registrations will be conducted off-campus only.
You can register online from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you have Internet access by using a smartphone, tablet or a computer. Specifications for your computer: Internet Explorer 7 or higher, with Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 or higher. No other browsers are certified for online registration at CPUT.
Students who wish to receive off-campus assistance can contact the Call Centre or visit the following link for detailed contact information https://www.cput.ac.za/enquiries
Residence Registrations
Students will not be able to conduct residence registrations unless academically registered. The residence registration-related information will be communicated to you by the Residence Division or consult the 2021 registration booklet