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East Cape Midlands FET College Bursaries

East Cape Midlands FET College Bursaries

The Department of Higher Education and Training makes provision for a bursary fund per TVET college in order facilitate optimum access for financially needy and academically deserving students. When allocating funds to students, compliance to DHET Bursary Administration Guidelines, is imperative. The DHET has appointed The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) as the administrators of these funds.


If a student has already registered then they may login with their username and password.
If not registered they may fill in a username and password and select login. Or alternatively they may click the “click here to register link”


The register form consists of the following:
First Name(s)
ID Number
Do you have a disability?
Cell Phone Number
Home Address
Postal Code
Postal Address (if different to home address)
Security Word
I allow NSFAS to verify and validate the information I have provided with third parties


If users don’t have an email address, then they are prompted to create one.
Users also need to have a valid cell phone number in order to receive OTP’s.


The system will automatically recognize City and Postal Codes based on the Province selected.
If the postal address is different to the home address, then users are prompted to enter the postal address, otherwise the system will automatically save the postal address as per residential address.


The user must choose a username with a minimum of eight(8) characters and no longer than twenty(20) characters.


Passwords must include:
Must be at least 8 characters long.
Must contain a lowercase letter.
Must contain an uppercase letter.
Must contain a number.
Must contain a special character. For example:(@ # $ % ^ & + = _ ! ? *)
Password format is automatically validated as the user types in the input field.


As an added security measure, users must choose a “Security Word” which can be used for future verification. It needs to be a minimum of six(6) characters and a maximum of ten(10) and shouldn’t contain numbers.


When a user clicks register, the system checks for validation errors.


Once the registration form has been completed, the user receives a OTP for confirmation. This includes both SMS and email.


Users receive an OTP, which is valid for 24 hours.


Once the registration and confirmation process is complete, the user is directed to the MyNSFAS
Dashboard page. From here the user is prompted to click on the Apply tab to complete the online application.

5Personal Detials:

The user’s personal details that were captured during the registration process are displayed on this tab. A user may also update any information if needed.


The following  is displayed on the Apply tab:
If you have already received funding for 2016, then there is no need for you to re-apply.
Before filling in the online application form, please visit our Student Support Centre for more information regarding the application process.
Please note that applications may only be submitted for institutions where registrations are currently open.
To view the institutions where applications for funding are open, please indicate the academic year and period for which you are applying from the drop-down list below:


A user must select the year of study


Based on the year of study, a list of relevant institutions and qualifications is generated. The user can select up to five choices for study.


The selections are saved and the user may continue to the application form.

6Apply: Study Details

The following is captured for Step 1:
Planned Qualification
What accommodation type will you make use of?
Do you need funding for meals (only if meals are not provided by the residency)?
Would you require funding for travel to University or TVET College?

6Apply: Highest Completed Academic Level Achienved

The following date is captured for Step 2:
What are you doing this year?
Highest Academic Level Achieved
Name of Institution where you achieved your Highest Academic Level
Institution Name
Average Result (%)

6Apply: Financial Assistance

The following date is captured for Step 2:
What are you doing this year?
Highest Academic Level Achieved
Name of Institution where you achieved your Highest Academic Level
Institution Name
Average Result (%)

6Apply: Family Information

Users need to provide details of any of the family members who are living with them and dependent on the income that their family has.
Identity documents for all those living in the household will need to be submitted.

6Apply: Family Information

The following information for each family member will need to be provided:
First name
ID Number
Is this person your Next of Kin?
Cell Phone Number
Present Activity
Annual income(before deductions and tax):
Income Source
Postal Code

6Apply: Supporting Documents

A list of required documents is generated  based on the application information a user supplied.

6Apply: Supporting Documents

Users must stipulate which documents they are uploading.

6Apply: Supporting Documents

Once the relevant documents are uploaded, users may download or delete them.

6Apply: Supporting Documents

Once the declarations have been checked, the user may submit the form.

6Apply: Saving Progress

A user may save progress at anytime. This will save the form information already captured and a user may return at anytime to complete the form.
SMS reminders will also be sent to the user to remind them to complete the form.
A user may only move onto the next step once all required fields for the current step are completed

7 Application Status

A user may save progress at anytime. This will save the form information already captured and a user may return at anytime to complete the form.
SMS reminders will also be sent to the user to remind them to complete the form.
A user may only move onto the next step once all required fields for the current step are completed
See Also :