George Whitefield College Registration 2024-2025

George Whitefield College Registration Date 2024-2025| see details below on how to go about the Registration for first-year and continuing students…
GWC has followed government and sector guidelines around the COVID-19 pandemic and the Faculty has responded rapidly by offering all modules via alternative (online/digital) modes. Despite the enormous task to move students to online teaching and learning, the academic year has been undisrupted.
In 2024-2025, GWC will continue to follow government and sector guidelines around health and safety protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will be offering all our programmes in 2024-2025, but the modes in which these programmes are delivered may vary. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries in this regard.
Do you have more questions? See the FAQ’s below or contact us at
Frequently Asked Questions
When do applications open and close for the 2024-2025 academic year?
Consistent with previous years, the 2024-2025 academic year will begin in January 2024-2025. Our application process will stay the same: applications are available online here. Applications should be submitted by 16th September 2020.
Is it safe to study at GWC in 2024-2025?
All buildings, classrooms and offices have been prepared to allow for physical distancing and safe operations. The spaces which are frequented by staff, students and faculty are cleaned regularly according to health and safety guidelines. Strict screening protocols are in place for anyone (staff, students, faculty and service providers) entering the campus. In line with national regulations, the GWC COVID Task Team is in place to ensure the health and safety of all members of the College community.
Do I have to come to campus to study at GWC in 2024-2025?
South Africa has adopted a phase-in approach to the return of students to university/college campuses nationwide. Under Level 3 national alert level, 33% of students will be allowed on the campuses; under Level 2, 66% of students will be allowed on the campuses; and under Level 1, 100% of students will be allowed on the campuses. For more details about this national phased-in approach, click here. International students will be able to return to campus under Level 1.
Under these guidelines, graduating students and the modules which depend heavily on contact learning will return to contact mode first.
GWC plans to return to contact lectures as soon as it is safe and legal to do so. In line with DHET regulations, you will be invited to come to campus for contact classes as soon as government regulations allow for this.
What if I cannot get to campus owing to COVID-19?
If you are unable to get to campus in 2024-2025 for reasons related to COVID-19, we will discuss your options with you. Please contact our admissions team to discuss your situation.
Can I just study online?
GWC plans to return to contact lectures as soon as it is safe and legal to do so. The primary mode of learning at GWC is via contact lectures. Online learning is taking place only if/when government regulations restrict contact lectures due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. In line with DHET regulations, you will be invited to come to campus for contact classes as soon as government regulations allow for this.
Please note: GWC is accredited to offer teaching and learning via contact delivery only. Government restrictions in this regard have been temporarily lifted due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, enabling institutions like us to offer teaching and learning online. When all students are able to return to campus, we will likely be required to return to offering teaching and learning via contact mode only.
If I am required to start my classes online, will the fees be the same?
Yes, the fees are the same. It is just as expensive to produce high-quality online lectures as it is to produce contact lectures. Furthermore, we plan to resume contact lectures as soon as it is safe and legal to do so.
If I start online, would I still be paying accommodation costs?
Please contact our Bursar to discuss your particular accommodation fees.
What are the fees for the 2024-2025 academic?
The fees structure for 2024-2025 remains the same as previous years. Please see the fees schedule for 2024-2025 here. If you have any queries about fees, please contact our Bursar.
Will I still be able to apply for and/or get a bursary for the 2024-2025 academic year?
Yes, you will be able to apply for a bursary for the 2024-2025 academic year. But, an award is dependent on the funds we have available. Bursary awards are usually only partial awards (covering some costs).
GWC acknowledges the huge financial burden that many applicants face and we earnestly ask God to continue to provide for you and for us for the sake of the Gospel in Africa. GWC regrets that bursary funding cannot be offered to every bursary applicant; awards for the 2024-2025 academic year will likely be affected by the new global economic crisis.
International Students
Can I get a visa to study in South Africa in 2024-2025?
No visa or permitting functions will be open in SA and at Missions abroad during South Africa’s level 3 national lockdown alert. Please see the announcement from the Department of Home Affairs on visas here and the follow-up announcement here. Please contact the South African embassy closest to you to learn more about study visas under the various alert levels. A study visa is required in order to study on campus in South Africa.
Is SAQA still evaluating qualifications?
Postgraduate applicants for the Bachelor of Theology Honours and Master of Theology programmes are required to submit a certificate of evaluation from the South African Qualifications Authority. Please follow their announcements on their website here for more information on their processes during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Do I still need to do a TOEFL/IELTS English test?
International students for whom English is not a first/home language or have not passed English at NSC Grade 12, AS-level, IGCSE, NSSC level or equivalent secondary school- leaving qualification from an English medium-of-instruction institution must provide proof of English language proficiency. Please check if there is testing available to you during the COVID-19 Pandemic via IELTS (see or TOEFL (see If testing is currently not available to you, we will work with you as far as possible to ensure you can still be considered for entrance.
To be considered for entrance, you need the following scores:
- Undergraduate studies:
- IELTS- 6.0 overall and 5.0 for the written element
- TOEFL- 213 (computerized test), 550 (written test) or 80 (internet based).
- Postgraduate studies:
- IELTS- 6.5 overall and 6.0 for the written element
- TOEFL- 232 (computerized test), 575 (written test) or 90-91 (internet based)
Stay Safe. For all official information and updates regarding COVID-19, visit the South African Department of Health’s website at
For a candidate to qualify to be a bonafide student of the University, he/she must be registered. Registration is a mandatory requirement of the University which must be done within the first three weeks from the beginning of the Semester by every student. All students will use the student portal.
Please see here for detailed instructions