Hoerskool Noordheuwel Fees 2024-2025
Hoerskool Noordheuwel Fees – Hoerskool Noordheuwel has released their fee structure for 2024-2025 academic year.
EDUCATION FEES 2024-2025 Tuition fees are determined annually and are payable monthly in advance before the 7th of the month. The total amount must be paid in no later than the 1st of December.
First payment payable before school opens in January 2024-2025 = R2500-00
11 installments of R2285 = R25135.00
Total school fees for 2024-2025 – R27 635 per learner
If total amount is paid before March 2024-2025, you will receive a discount of R1500. The total amount payable is then R26 135.00. Debit order forms are available at the office.
- Debit order – preferred. Forms are available.
- Checks and Cash must be paid into the administrative office by the pupil and a receipt is provided.
- For school fees, please use the school fees reference number.
- For all other payments, state what plus learner’s name and surname
BANK DETAILSHoërskool Noordheuwel
No. 310391255
Branch: ABSA Krugersdorp
Branch code: 632005
Account Type: Check
Receipts are provided.
Payments for bus tickets can be made in cash at Ms Holton or paid through EFT in the school’s bank account (details right):
Please report the learner’s name and fax the proof to 087 234 3986 for attention by Holton or email it to daleen@nories.co.za . Hoerskool Noordheuwel FeesFEES FOR 2024-2025Single ride : R40.00 per ride. Tickets are transferableTen rides: R380.00 for 10 rides.
Monthly ticket: R50.00 for 2 rides per day x number of school days in month. Tickets are not transferable.
TUCK SHOPTuck shop debit cards on which you can deposit tuck fees are available.Payments must be made in the following account:
Power DOB Shop
No: 4077282835
Branch: ABSA Krugersdorp
Branch code: 632005
Account Type: Check
Proof of payment plus student’s name and surname as reference should be sent to Ms Holton.
LOCKERSNoordheuwel has a limited number of lockers available in two different sizes, viz. ordinary and sports lockers that can be rented at an annual fee.
Payment for a locker is made at Ms Daleen Holton in the finance office and the receipt is then taken to Uncle Hennie, our bill, to get a locker. Learners are responsible for a lock for the locker
COSTOrdinary boxes: R300.00 per year
Sportbags: R400.00 per year (sport children only)
Learners must receive a letter from their coach when they make payment and then give it to the site manager with the receipt to get a sports box. Only one box per learner will be granted.