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How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost In South Africa

How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost In South Africa 2024-2025

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Dental bonding is a procedure in a tooth-colored resin material is bonded to the teeth.

This procedure is used to repair teeth, change their shape, or close gaps between them.

How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost In South Africa

Dental Bonding prices from r804

Is bonding cheaper than crowns?

Dental bonding is an affordable treatment option that can improve the patient’s appearance and offer some tooth protection, although it is not as strong and durable as a dental crown.

A crown is often more expensive than bonding, and it can address issues that affect the patient’s oral health more than dental bonding.

Is dental bonding painful?

The process for applying most dental bonds is completely painless since the dentist is usually only working on the surface of the tooth. You may only experience pain if your bond is used to repair a cavity.

How long does dental bonding last?

Dental bonding usually lasts between three and 10 years before requiring touchup treatment.

This can vary for each patient depending on personal habits. For example, individuals who chew on ice or other hard objects may cause the bonding material to break.

Can a chipped front tooth be bonded?

Tooth bonding is an effective method for repairing a chipped tooth in many cases.

A bonding procedure involves the application of a tooth-colored composite to repair a broken tooth.

The dentist will etch the surface with a special gel to prepare it for adhesion with the bonding material.

Can you chew with bonded teeth?

You don’t need to stop eating hard foods like nuts altogether, of course.

But you should avoid chewing them with your front teeth if you have veneers or dental bonding. Over time, this could result in chipping and premature wear & tear to your dental prostheses.