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How Much Does Homeschooling Cost In South Africa

How Much Does Homeschooling Cost In South Africa 2024-2025

Essentially, homeschooling is parent-directed education from the comfort of your own home. Families might choose to homeschool their kids for lots of reasons, but freedom is usually at the top of the list.

How Much Does Homeschooling Cost In South Africa

R20 000 a year.

Is homeschooling cheaper than public school in South Africa?

The short answer is: much cheaper than school. Private school fees in South Africa are far out of the price range of most families.

The fees of state schools have even begun to creep up to expensive levels for most.

How do I start homeschooling in South Africa?

4 Steps to Start Homeschooling

Step 1 – Join the Pestalozzi Trust. The Pestalozzi Trust is the homeschool legal defense association that defends the rights of home-educating families in South Africa.

Step 2 – Notify the School.

Step 3 – Start Deschooling.

Step 4 – Learn More about Starting Homeschooling.

Is homeschooling free in South Africa?

South Africa has very good public schools where children can receive a very good education to become important members of society.

However, as you have seen from the list above, homeschooling is a real option, and it can be done cheaply, or even free.

What is the best homeschool in South Africa?

Brainline is the leader in Homeschooling and Distance Education in South Africa, with more than 20 years of experience.

We are the only curriculum and assessment provider in SA currently accredited with a well-known and recognized exam board as an exam center – the IEB!.

Disadvantages of Homeschooling

Homeschooling parents are required to:

Be around their children all day long. This can be difficult when children become restless and misbehave

Frequently explain their reasons for homeschooling their children to friends and relatives unsympathetic or confused about their decision

Restrain anger and remain patient when children struggle with learning

Effectively handle the difficulties of moving at a slower pace than public school instruction

Spend large amounts of money on books and other learning materials

Constantly adapt to be effective teachers

Constantly motivate their children

Speak with other people homeschooling their children to get ideas about solving difficult problems if they’re unsure about the best course of action

Spend time reviewing numerous curriculum programs up to their standards and best suiting their children’s learning needs

Spend more time finding playmates and friends for their children in similar circumstances