IMM Graduate School of Marketing Online Application 2024-2025
IMM Graduate School of Marketing
Admission criteria for undergraduate programs
Admission criteria for prospective students who have matriculated up to and including 2007
Certificate Programmes
• Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent.
• A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no Senior Certificate, and must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a Senior Certificate. Before you proceed to the application, click on the links below for information:
General Admission
Prospective students must apply to register for programs no later than the stated closing dates which can be found in the IMM Graduate School’s prospectus or on the IMM Graduate School website (
Admission is subject to selection in accordance with program-specific admission criteria, the minimum requirements set for transfer students, and the number of students per program, as approved by the Academic Board. A student may not be registered for more than one qualification at a time. A student may not be registered
at another institution concurrently. Should a student wish to change the program for which they have been registered an application must be submitted to the National Registrar ( at least two weeks prior to the closing date for registration. Right of Admission
The Academic Board determines the admission of a student to the IMM Graduate School. Applicants who have applied for admission and satisfy the minimum rules of access, but who have been refused, may request written reasons for such refusal from the Dean of Faculty (
Required Documents for Admission/Registration
Students who register for the first time at the IMM Graduate School must submit, together with their registration form and signed Examination Declaration form, the following:
First-year students
• Certified copy of original identity document
• Certified copy of original Grade 12 Certificate/National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification including symbols See Also: IMM Graduate School of Marketing Prospectus Transfer of undergraduate students from other higher education institutions
• Certified copy of original identity document
• Certified copy of original Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or National Senior Certificate (NSC) or
equivalent qualification including symbols
• Certified copy of original academic records/transcripts from the previous higher education
• Certified copy of original Certificate of Conduct The first registration for Postgraduate programs
• Certified copy of original identity document
• Certified copy of original undergraduate qualification/s
• Certified copy of original academic records/transcripts Foreign students studying in South Africa
• Certified copy of original identity document
• Certified copy of original highest academic qualification as well as a certified copy of the SAQA Certificate
• Certified copy of original proof of sufficient financial repatriation funds for purposes of the student’s fees
• Certified copy of study/permanent residence/temporary residence permit if writing examinations in South Africa
The IMM Graduate School is a provider of distance education. There is no requirement for students to be
within South Africa’s borders to write examinations. See also: IMM Graduate School of Marketing Application Closing Date Registration Procedure
Students are required to sign that they have read the Prospectus and Yearbook every me they register for
assessments. Should a student stop studying for a period of me before they have completed their qualification, they should regularly check the latest Prospectus and Yearbook on the website to see if any policies or procedures have changed. The registration form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to the IMM Graduate School, together with the assessment fee/s (or proof of payment). The IMM Graduate School will acknowledge acceptance of the original registration form by publishing an Examination Confirmation Leer on the Student Portal ( If there is a credit on the student’s account, a registration form must all be submitted. A registration form must be completed for each semester. Renewal students can register online within the
student portal. Please note:
The admission of non-South African resident students is subject to the conditions set out in the Immigration Act 13 of 2002. Successful application by a non-South African resident depends on the following:
• Confirmation of academic acceptance
• Obtaining the necessary statutory documentation and state approval qualification
• All non-South African resident prospective students are required to submit proof of English language proficiency, which may consist of:
– The results of the internationally-recognized IELTS test; or
– English passed at school-leaving level (e.g. O-level or IGCSE) Certified Documents
All copies of documents should be certified by a registered practitioner and should have an original signature and stamp. Student Number
Upon registration, all IMM Graduate School students will receive a student number and security pin, which must be used when communicating with the IMM Graduate School.
The student number and pin are used to access the student portal and eLearn on the IMM Graduate School’s website.
Marketing is fundamental to the success of any business, whether big or small, and the IMM Graduate School plays a major role in promoting the importance of marketing not only as a career, but also as the way to orientate a business.
The IMM Graduate School strives to be the distance-learning provider of choice and the Centre of Excellence for marketing and marketing-related disciplines in southern Africa. In our endeavours to become the touch point for marketing knowledge and information, the IMM Graduate School will continue to provide all stakeholders with superior and professional customer service and subject matter of the highest academic integrity.
Admission requirements for prospective students who matriculated or exited the school system from 2008
All teach-out programmes will be finally phased out at the end of the 2014 academic year.
Admission Criteria
Certificate Programmes
National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent.
The student must have met the minimum requirements for admission to a higher certificate programme at a higher education institution.
A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no NSC, and must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a NSC.
Please refer to the Calendar of Events for the RPL closing dates
Diploma Programmes
National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent, including an achievement rating of at least 3 (40-49%) in English home language or 4 (50-59%) in English first additional language.
The student must have met the minimum requirements for admission to a diploma programme at a higher education institution.
A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no NSC, and must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a NSC.
Please refer to the Calendar of Events for the RPL closing dates
Degree Programmes
National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an achievement rating of 4 (50 – 59%) in at least four recognised 20-credit subjects, including an achievement rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) in English home language or 4 (50 – 59%) in English first additional language, plus an achievement rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) in Mathematics or 5 (60 – 69%) in Mathematical Literacy.
The student must have met the minimum requirements for admission to a degree programme at a higher education institution.
A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no NSC, but have written and passed at least 4 NSC subjects at Matric level with a pass of 40%. A certified copy of subjects passed is required. The CV must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit must be included stating that they did not obtain an NSC.
Please refer to the Calendar of Events for the RPL closing dates
Students over the age of 45 may apply as mature age applicants
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management
An appropriate and recognised three-year undergraduate qualification on NQF level 7.
A minimum of three years appropriate marketing or marketing related experience.
A CV and motivational letter is required.
Applicants are required to complete the Postgraduate Application for Admission form for the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management, which, together with certified copies of educational certificates, identity/passport documents, a letter of motivation and a CV, should be returned by registered post to:
The Dean: Postgraduate Studies
P O Box 91820
Auckland Park
A non-refundable deposit (see fee structure) must accompany the application form.
Applicants may be required to attend a selection interview at the discretion of the IMM GSM.
Bachelor of Philosophy (B Phil) Honours in Marketing Management
A suitable Bachelors Degree on NQF level 7 with Marketing Management 3 as a major subject.
A CV and motivational letter are required.
Any other equivalent qualification.
Applicants are required to complete the Postgraduate Application for Admission form for the B Phil Honours in Marketing Management, which, together with certified copies of educational certificates, identity/passport documents, a letter of motivation and a CV, should be returned by registered post to:
The Dean: Post Graduate Studies
P O Box 91820
Auckland Park
A non-refundable deposit (see fee structure) must accompany the application form.
Applicants may be required to attend a selection interview at the discretion of the IMM GSM
Applicants may be required to write and pass access modules before continuing with the BPhil Honours in Marketing Management
Admission Criteria with special reference to the National Senior Certificate (NSC)
For prospective students who have exited the school system as from 2008
Please note:
The minimum statutory requirements to obtain the National Senior Certificate is an achievement rating of 40% in three subjects, one of which is an official language at home language level, and 30% in three subjects.
For all IMM GSM programmes, a National Senior Certificate or equivalent is required, including an achievement rating of at least 3 (40 – 49%) in English home language or 4 (50 – 59%) in English first additional language.
The minimum statutory requirement to achieve a matric exemption is a National Senior Certificate with an achievement rating of 4 (50 – 59%) in at least four recognised 20-credit subjects. The following are recognised 20-credit National Senior Certificate subjects:
Agricultural Science
Business Studies
Consumer Science
Dramatic Arts
Graphics and Design
Visual Arts
Information Technology
Languages (Two additional languages over and above official languages)
Life Sciences
Mathematical Literacy
Physical Science
Religious Studies
Admission criteria for non-South African applicants
Click here to view the entrance requirements for prospective students who have qualified with a school leaving certificate which has not been issued by an approved authority in South Africa, such as UMALUSI.
Admission requirements for prospective students who have matriculated up to and including 2007
All teach-out programmes will be finally phased out at the end of the 2014 academic year.
Admission Criteria
Certificate Programmes
Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent
A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no Senior Certificate, and must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a Senior Certificate.
Please refer to the Calendar of Events for the RPL closing dates
Diploma Programmes
Senior Certificate (Grade 12) or equivalent
A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no Senior Certificate, and must include work-related experience and a SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a Senior Certificate
Please refer to the Calendar of Events for the RPL closing dates
Degree Programmes
Senior Certificate (Grade 12) with university exemption, plus a mark of at least 40% on higher grade or 50% on standard grade in Mathematics.
A CV and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) application is required from prospective students over 23 years of age, who have no Senior Certificate, but have written and passed at least 4 HG or 4 SG subjects at Matric level. The CV must include work-related experience. SAPS affidavit stating that they did not obtain a Senior Certificate must be included.
Please refer to the Calendar of Events for the RPL closing dates
Students over the ages of 45 may apply as mature age applicants
Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management
An appropriate and recognised three-year undergraduate qualification at new NQF level 7.
A minimum of three years’ appropriate marketing or marketing related experience.
A CV and motivational letter is required.
Applicants are required to complete the Postgraduate Application for Admission form for the Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management, which, together with certified copies of educational certificates, identity/passport documents, a letter of motivation and a CV, should be returned by registered post to:
The Registration Office:
Postgraduate Programmes
P O Box 91820
Auckland Park
A non-refundable deposit (see fee structure) must accompany the application form.
Applicants may be required to attend a selection interview at the discretion of the IMM GSM.
Bachelor of Philosophy (B Phil) Honours in Marketing Management
A suitable Bachelors Degree with Marketing Management 3 as a major subject.
A CV and motivational letter are required.
Any other equivalent qualification.
Applicants are required to complete the Postgraduate Application for Admission form for the B Phil Honours in Marketing Management, which, together with certified copies of educational certificates, identity/passport documents, a letter of motivation and a CV, should be returned by registered post to:
The Registration Office:
Postgraduate Programmes
P O Box 91820
Auckland Park
A non-refundable deposit (see fee structure) must accompany the application form.
Applicants may be required to attend a selection interview at the discretion of the IMM GSM.
Admission criteria for non-South African applicants
Click here to view the entrance requirements for prospective students who have qualified with a school leaving certificate which has not been issued by an approved authority in South Africa, such as UMALUSI.