Kingsmead College Fees 2024-2025
Kingsmead College Fees 2024-2025 – see details below:
Grades |
Annual Tuition Fee |
Development Levy |
Total Payable Annually |
Bluebells |
61,315 |
6,675 |
67,990 |
Buttercups |
65,840 |
6,675 |
72,515 |
Grades 0 – 2 |
80,970 |
6,675 |
87,645 |
Grades 3 – 4 |
94,660 |
6,675 |
101,335 |
Grades 5 – 7 |
113,650 |
6,675 |
120,325 |
Grades 8 – 9 |
124,455 |
6,675 |
131,130 |
Grades 10 – 12 |
139,370 |
6,675 |
146,045 |
Annual fees paid in advance are subject to a discount – please see the table below.
R6,675 per student is charged as a dedicated source of revenue for facilities capital expenditure and campus enhancement.
*Kingsmead College fees are due and payable on the first day of each term.
*On application, with suitable motivation, the payment of fees on a monthly basis will be considered. See overleaf the tables for the termly payment options.
*Late payments will attract interest at prime plus 5% per anum.
*The College reserves the right to restrict the admission of any pupil, to the following academic year, if monies due to the College are outstanding at the end of the academic year currently completed.
*A full term’s notice must be given, in writing, prior to a pupil being withdrawn from the College. This serves to avoid a charge of the subsequent term’s fees.
Grades |
Full Annual Fees Amount |
Total payable if before 15 |
Total payable if before 31 |
December 2018 |
January 2019 |
Bluebells |
67,990 |
63,910 |
64,590 |
Buttercups |
72,515 |
68,165 |
68,890 |
Grades 0 – 2 |
87,645 |
82,385 |
83,260 |
Grades 3 – 4 |
101,335 |
95,255 |
96,270 |
Grades 5 – 7 |
120,325 |
113,105 |
114,310 |
Grades 8 – 9 |
131,130 |
123,260 |
124,575 |
Grades 10 – 12 |
146,045 |
137,280 |
138,740 |
Grades |
Tuition Fee |
Development Levy |
Total Payable Termly |
Bluebells |
20,439 |
2,225 |
22,664 |
Buttercups |
21,947 |
2,225 |
24,172 |
Grades 0 – 2 |
26,990 |
2,225 |
29,215 |
Grades 3 – 4 |
31,554 |
2,225 |
33,779 |
Grades 5 – 7 |
37,884 |
2,225 |
40,109 |
Grades 8 – 9 |
41,485 |
2,225 |
43,710 |
Grades 10 – 12 |
46,457 |
2,225 |
48,682 |
Termly fees are due and payable on the first day of each term.
Monthly fees are due and payable as negotiated with the Accounts Department.
The above tabulated fees do not include fees payable to the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) for entry to National Senior Certificate examinations. You will be notified of the relevant fees once they are communicated to us by the IEB. The costs as communicated will be debited to your school fees account. These fees may be paid in installments on arrangement with the Accounts department.
The annual PTA Levy, in the amount of R250, will be debited to your school fees account.
There is a non-refundable application fee of R500 for all new enrolment applications.
At the point of enrolling for a place at Kingsmead College, a non-refundable securing fee of R22,000 is payable in order to guarantee that place.
*Sundry charges in respect of, but not limited to, aftercare, tours, workshops, outings, courses etc are payable on presentation of statement. Parents/Guardians will be notified of these costs in advance. A comprehensive schedule of potential sundry charges will be distributed termly. Pupils will not be permitted to participate on tours, outings, workshops etc if their account has not been managed in a satisfactory manner.
*Private individual music tuition is offered. Please contact the Music department for the
applicable costs and details. A full term’s notice must be given in writing.
*Stationery and textbooks costs are not included in the tuition fees. Where the College purchases these resources on behalf of pupils, the relevant costs will be charged to the School Account.
The personal possessions of the pupils attending the College are not covered in respect of any risks by the College’s insurance. Parents/Guardians should make their own arrangements for covering the possessions of their daughters. Despite vigilant and strict precautions, losses do occur from time to time. Parents/Guardians are urged to discourage their daughters from bringing expensive and unnecessary items to the College.