Krugersdorp High School Subjects Offered 2024-2025
Krugersdorp High School Subjects Offered
Krugersdorp High School Subjects Offered – see the list of courses offered at Krugersdorp High School..
KHS Academics
Krugersdorp High School is recognised as one of the top academic institutions in the country. The school offers a wide choice of subjects which affords our learners an excellent opportunity to identify potential fields of study and career.
Grades 8 and 9 follow the compulsory curriculum of the National Department of Education and must take :
Life Orientation
Creative Arts
Social Sciences
Natural Sciences
Economic Management Sciences
Grades 10, 11 and 12 have four compulsory subjects :
Life Orientation
Mathematics OR Mathematical Literacy
In addition, they must select three of the following :
- Life Sciences
- Physical Science
- Accounting
- Economics
- Business Studies
- Computer Applications Technology
- Engineering Graphics and Design
- Geography
- History
- Visual Art
- Design
- Consumer Studies
- Advanced Programme: Mathematics
Class sizes in the junior phase are approximately 30 learners, ensuring that each individual is given a fair opportunity for learning in a focused environment. Grade 10 – 12 classes tend to be smaller. Most classrooms have interactive white-boards, allowing educators an opportunity to provide out-of-the-box lessons by merging traditional and innovative visual methods.
In addition, Krugersdorp High School has been identified as one of the preferred high schools for acceptance by universities as our learners fare superbly when they reach their tertiary institution of choice.