Grey College Subjects Offered 2024-2025
Grey College Subjects Offered – See the list of courses offered at Grey College.
Grey College offers a variety of subject choices in the curriculum.
The following curriculum is currently applicable for grade 8 and 9 boys (all subjects compulsory):
- English Home Language
- Afrikaans Home Language
- English First Additional Language
- Afrikaans First Additional Language
- South Sotho Second Additional Language
- Life Orientation
- Mathematics
- Arts and Culture
- German Second Additional Language
- Natural Science
- Economic and Management Science
- Social Science
- Technology
Subject choices for grade 10-12 are as follows:
- Subjects in Group A are compulsory.
- In Group B, choose between Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy.
- Choose three subjects from Group C.
- A learner may change a maximum of 2 subjects in Grade 10, subject to approval of the principal. This must be done by the beginning of the 3rd term in Grade 10.
- A learner may change 2 subjects in Grade 11, subject to approval of the principal, provided this is done before 28 February in Grade 11.
- In exceptional cases a learner may change 1 subject in Grade 12, provided it is done before 31 January of the Grade 12 year. Approval for changing a subject in Grade 12 must be obtained from the Head of Education.
- Not all subject combinations are guaranteed.