University of Fort Hare UFH Courses Offered 2024-2025

University of Fort Hare Courses 2021/2022
University of Fort Hare Courses – Courses offered at University of Fort Hare
Find all the Course offered at University of Fort Hare. Browse through a list of all short Course, professional Course, certificate, diploma Course offered at University of Fort Hare. University of Fort Hare Online Application
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University of Fort Hare offers a number of various course. Below are University of Fort Hare Courses offered
University of Fort Hare Online Courses Application
University of Fort Hare Short Courses Application
University of Fort Hare Higher Certificate Courses Application
University of Fort Hare Diploma Courses Application
University of Fort Hare Undergraduate Courses Application
University of Fort Hare Postgraduate Courses Application
Below is the full details of all the undergraduate courses offered at the University of Fort Hare, UFH:
Faculty of Education
- National Professional Diploma In Education (Npde
- Advanced Certificate In Education (Ace) (Mathematics In The Get Band)
- Advanced Certificate In Education (Ace) (Science Education)
- Advanced Certificate In Education (Ace (Technology Education)
- Advanced Certificate In Education (Ace (Mathematical Literacy)
- Advanced Certificate In Education (Ace) (Life Orientation)
- Advanced Certificate In Education (Ace (School Leadership)
- Advanced Certificate In Education (Mathematics)
- Bachelor Of Education (B Ed) (In-Service/Part-Time (Foundation & Intermediate Phase)
- Bachelor Of Education (B Ed) (Foundation Or Intermediate Or (Senior Phase) (Initial Teacher Education)
- Nelson Mandela Institute For Education & Rural Development (Nmi)
- Bachelor Of Education (Senior Phase & Fet Band)
- Postgraduate Certificate In Education (Pgce
- Bachelor Of Education (Honours) (B Ed) (Hon)
- Bachelor Of Education (Honours)(In Mathematics And Science Education)
Faculty of Health Sciences
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Health in Human Movement Science
- Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Therapy
- Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Therapy
Faculty of Law (Nelson R. Mandela School of Law)
- Bachelor of Laws: LLB
- Bachelor of Commerce (Law)
- Diploma in Local Government Law and Administration
Faculty of Management & Commerce
Mainstream degrees
- B Com – Accounting 60001/60014 /60006
- B Com – Information Systems – 60011 (East London campus only)
- B Com Gen – Economics Stream 60016 (East London and Alice)
- B Com Gen – Industrial Psychology Stream 60017 (only offered in Alice)
- B Com Gen – Business Management Stream 60018 (East London and Alice)
- Bachelor of Administration in Public Administration 62005 (Bhisho and Alice)
- B Com – Accounting 60001/60014 /60006
- B Com – Information Systems – 60011 (East London campus only)
- B Com Gen – Economics Stream 60016 (East London and Alice)
- B Com Gen – Industrial Psychology Stream 60017 (only offered in Alice)
- B Com Gen – Business Management Stream 60018 (East London and Alice)
- Bachelor of Administration in Public Administration 62005 (Bhisho and Alice)
Foundation Programmes
- B Com – Accounting – Foundation 60006 (offered in Alice and East London campus)
- B Com – Information Systems 60101 East London campus
- B Com Gen – Economics Stream 61016 (Alice and East London)
- B Com Gen – Industrial Psychology Stream 61017 (only offered in Alice)
- B Com Gen – Business Management Stream 61018 (East London and Alice)
Faculty of Science & Agriculture
Bachelor of Agriculture (BAgric) | Agricultural Economics | 70001 |
Bachelor of Agriculture (BAgric) | Agricultural Extension / Production | 70002 |
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc Agric) | Agricultural Economics / Economics (New Curriculum) | 71521 |
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc Agric) | Horticultural Science | 71523 |
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc Agric) | Crop Science | 71524 |
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc Agric) | Soil Science | 71522 |
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc Agric) | Animal Science | 71525 |
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (BSc Agric) | Pasture Science | 71526 |
Bachelor of Science (Bsc) | Applied Mathematics
Biochemistry Biology Botany Chemistry Computer Science Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Geography Geology Mathematical Statistics Microbiology Physics Pure Mathematics Statistics Zoology |
Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities
Certificates & Diplomas [2]
Qualification | Duration | Campus | |
1 | Postgraduate Diploma in Archives and Records Management (32501) | 1 Year | Alice |
2 | Postgraduate Diploma in Archives and Records Management (32501) | 1 Year | Alice |
Undergraduate Degrees [10]
Qualification | Duration | Campus | |
1 | Bachelor of Arts: BA (30000) | 3 Years | Alice / East London |
2 | Bachelor of Theology B Th (10000) | 3 Years | Alice |
3 | Bachelor of Fine Arts: B Fine Arts (30100) | 3 Years | Alice |
4 | Bachelor of Arts in Music: BA Music (30004) | 3 Years | Alice |
5 | Bachelor of Music: B Mus (30003) | 3 Years | Alice |
6 | Bachelor of Applied Communication Management (30201) | 3 Years | Alice |
7 | Bachelor of Social Science: B Soc Sc (30002) | 3 Years | Alice / East London |
8 | Bachelor of Library and Information Science: B Bibl (32000) | 3 Years | Alice |
9 | Bachelor of Social Work: B Social Work (SWK) (33002) | 3 Years | Alice / East London |
10 | Bachelor of Social Science (H R Management): B Soc Sc (HRM) (30208) | 3 Years | Alice |
University of Fort Hare UFH Masters Degree Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Masters Degree Courses Offered – check below:
Faculty of Management and Commerce Courses Offered
4. Master of Commerce: M Com
15. Master of Public Administration: MPA
16. Master of Policy Studies: MPS 3
17. Master of Commerce in Development Studies
20. Master of Administration: M Admin
32. Master of Commerce in Information Systems
Faculty of Health Sciences Courses
- Master of Nursing Science – Nursing Education
- Master in Nursing Science
- Masters in Public Health: Albertina Sisulu Executive Fellowship Programme
- Masters in Public Health – MPH
- Master in Nursing Science – Medical-surgical Nursing
- Master in Nursing Science – Health Management
- Master of Nursing Science – Psychiatric Nursing
- Master of Nursing Science – Community Health Nursing
- Master of Nursing Science – Midwifery & Neonatal Nursing
University of Fort Hare UFH Faculty of Education Courses
- Masters in Education (By dissertation only)
UFH Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Courses Offered
2. Masters of Social Science in African Studies 2
3. Master of Theology: M Theology 2
4. Master of Social Work: M SW 2
5. Master of Social Science: M Soc Sc 2
6. Master of Social Science (Rural Development): M Soc Sc (Rural Dev) 2
7. Master of Social Science (Psychology): M Soc Sc (Psych) 2
8. Master of Social Science (Counselling Psychology): M Soc Sc (C Psy) 2
9. Master of Social Science (Communication): M Soc Sc (Com) 2
10. Master of Library and Information Science: M Bibl 2
11. Master of Fine Arts: M Fine Arts 2
12. Master of Arts: MA 2
13. Master of Arts in Philosophy 2
14. Master of Arts in Music 2
15. Master of Arts in History 2
16. Master of Arts in English Languages and Comparative Literature 2
17. Master of Arts in Afrikaans 2
18. Master of Arts in African Languages 2
UFH Faculty of Science and Agriculture Courses Offered
19. Master of Philosophy: M Phil
23. Master of Philosophy: M Phil
25. Master of Science: M Sc (Applied Mathematics)
26. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc Agric(Pasture Science)
27. Master of Science: M Sc(Applied Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems)
29. Master of Science: M Sc (Applied Statistics)
31. Master of Science: M Sc (Biochemistry)
32. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
34. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc (AgricAnimal Science)
36. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc Agric( Soil Science)
38. Master of Agriculture: M Agric(Agricultural Extension)
41. Master of Science: M Sc (Ethnobotany)
42. Master of Science: M Sc (Entomology)
43. Master of Science: M Sc (Geography)
44. Master of Science: M Sc (Geology)
52. Master of Science in Agriculture: M Sc Agric(Horticultural Science)
61. Master of Agriculture in Agricultural Economics
62. Master of Science in Biostatistics and Epidemiology
63. Master of Science M Sc in Botany
65. Master of Science M Sc in Chemistry
67. Master of Science M Sc in Computer Science
UFH Nelson R Mandela School of Law Courses Offered
Master of Laws
Master of Philosophy in Human Rights
How to Apply at University of Fort Hare UFH
Apply at University of Fort Hare UFH 2024-2025
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application Form
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Application Forms Pdf
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Registration
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application Status
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Application Closing Date
University of Fort Hare UFH International Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Late Application
University of Fort Hare UFH Application Form Pdf Download
University of Fort Hare UFH Application Closing Date
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Application Closing Date
University of Fort Hare UFH Diploma Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Certificate Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Bachelor Degree Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Doctor of Philosophy PhD Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Courses Offered
University of Fort Hare UFH Short Courses
University of Fort Hare UFH Masters Degree Courses Offered
Nursing at University of Fort Hare UFH
Law at University of Fort Hare UFH
Does University of Fort Hare UFH Offer Distance Learning
PGCE at University of Fort Hare UFH
University of Fort Hare UFH Undergraduate Prospectus
University of Fort Hare UFH Postgraduate Prospectus
University of Fort Hare UFH General Prospectus
University of Fort Hare UFH Application Fee
University of Fort Hare UFH Minimum Initial Payment MIP
University of Fort Hare UFH Registration Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Residence Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Settlement of Outstanding Accounts
University of Fort Hare UFH Academic Performance Incentives
University of Fort Hare UFH Methods of Payments
University of Fort Hare UFH Tuition Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Accommodation and Fees
University of Fort Hare UFH Bursaries and Loans
University of Fort Hare UFH Financial Assistance
University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application
University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application Form
University of Fort Hare UFH NSFAS Application Status
University of Fort Hare UFH National Benchmark Test NBTs
University of Fort Hare UFH Location
University of Fort Hare UFH Contact Address Details
University of Fort Hare UFH Main Campus Contact Address
University of Fort Hare UFH Alice Campus Contact Address
University of Fort Hare UFH Bhisho Campus Contact Address
University of Fort Hare UFH East London Campus Contacts
University of Fort Hare UFH Main Campus – Alice Campus
University of Fort Hare UFH Bhisho Campus
University of Fort Hare UFH East London Campus
University of Fort Hare UFH East Contact Address Details
University of Fort Hare UFH International Students Admission Requirements
UFH International Undergraduate Admission Requirements
UFH International Postgraduate Admission Requirements
University of Fort Hare UFH Admission Requirements 2024-2025
University of Fort Hare UFH Brochure
University of Fort Hare UFH Blackboard
University of Fort Hare UFH Campuses
University of Fort Hare UFH Distance Learning
University of Fort Hare UFH Faculties pdf
University of Fort Hare UFH Graduation Gowns
University of Fort Hare UFH Graduation Dates
University of Fort Hare UFH Graduation List
University of Fort Hare UFH Student Portal login
University of Fort Hare UFH Online Services
University of Fort Hare UFH Qualifications
University of Fort Hare UFH Residence
University of Fort Hare UFH Spring Graduation
University of Fort Hare UFH Spring Graduation List
University of Fort Hare UFH Term Dates 2024-2025