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Nelson Mandela University NMMU Department of Development Studies

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University NMMU Department of Development Studies 

Nelson Mandela University NMU Online Applications
Nelson Mandela University NMU Online Applications

NMMU Department of Development Studies – See Details Below:

The Department of Development Studies at the Nelson Mandela University is positioned as a leading academic department in sustainable socio-economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa. We offer a full range of academic programs from undergraduate (Bachelors’s degree) to Doctoral level, and engage in research in a number of development-related fields in South Africa and across Africa. The Department enjoys national, regional, and international recognition, based on its internal staff, its network of research associates and visiting scholars, the quality of its work, and its engagement with real-world development challenges.

The Department has a number of strategic alliances with regional and international universities and development organizations. The Department also hosts a growing number of national and international, multi-partner research and development projects. Through a collaborative approach, the aim/vision is to establish a world-class facility for advanced and innovative work in development.

The focus of our programs and our research is in the fields of social, economic and ecological development; development finance; and maritime and coastal development. The BA Development Studies offers a comprehensive interdisciplinary undergraduate program with majors in Development Studies and Economics. The suite of advanced postgraduate programs in development studies is designed for students to combine academic potential with first-hand developing country experience. The postgraduate programs consist of Honours and a Masters by coursework in Development Studies; an M Phil in Development Finance; and a Post Graduate Diploma in Maritime Studies. A Masters and Ph.D. by research is also offered, with experienced supervisors in the above fields.



The Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program that provides students with a foundation in Development and Economics. The program integrates a deep understanding of social and economic development with an accompanying set of skills. The program aims to provide candidates with a sound theoretical grounding in the principles and practices of development as it pertains to the implementation of policy in a development context. Candidates will demonstrate the following exit-level competences:

  • In-depth knowledge and understanding of the complexities of development theory as it applies to the principles and practices of social and economic development as well as the roles played by different stakeholders in the development implementation
  • The ability to design and implement appropriate research projects, apply relevant research methods and present reports in the appropriate format in a development context
  • The ability to measure the performance of different areas, countries, and institutions in terms of economic development by applying appropriate criteria.



The postgraduate coursework programs are offered on a part-time, block-release model. The programs encourage students to reflect upon and deepen their knowledge, innovation, and practice through an interdisciplinary perspective.  The courses have an applied approach.  Students are provided with structured opportunities for study, dialogue, application, and critical reflection.  A wide range of teaching methods is employed to vary the learning experience.  These include lectures and seminars, workshops, project-work in small groups, and the use of videos. Supervision is offered in small groups and individually.

Students who leave with a postgraduate qualification in Development Studies will be equipped with:

  • A practical, multi-skilled approach to development issues for careers in regional, national and international organizations as well as private and public sectors,
  • An understanding of conceptual, theoretical and methodological approaches to development,
  • Abilities of critical thinking, analysis, and reflective practice, and personal development of values useful in pursing relevant approaches in development practice.


The Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Maritime Studies is designed to equip students for exciting career opportunities in the booming fields of marine, maritime and coastal development, port management and development, as well as the associated areas of coastal and marine tourism.  More particularly it seeks to:

  • Equip students with knowledge of socio-economic and economic aspects of marine and maritime affairs so as to provide them with the skills necessary in understanding a coastal economy;
  • Provide qualified professionals with additional skills in marine and affairs and maritime studies;
  • Meet the growing national need for marine and maritime studies professionals;
  • Respond to the need for competent maritime specialists particularly in regard to the sustainable development and beneficiation of coastal economies; and
  • To respond to the national and international demand for specific skill sets to diagnose and resolve policy issues in
  • Marine, maritime and coastal economies; and
  • To provide the analytical skills necessary to respond to emerging options and projects in the area of port management, development and security.



During the Honours year in Development Studies, students develop analytical capacity in development theory and in contributing social science disciplines including economics, conflict management, politics, geography and sociology, by examining a wide range of current development issues and their contexts. There are electives offered in rural development practice, transformation management, project management, conflict management, issues in economic development, geospatial methods, local economic development, and business in developing economies. By doing their own research project, students become more skilled in writing reports and must write a treatise to complete their Honours degree.



At the Masters level in Development Studies, each student is encouraged to develop her or his particular focus of interest, with a variety of electives offered and through a research treatise in one of the research areas offered with the assistance of experienced supervisors. Along with the coursework modules, the preparation of their research project serves as the main vehicle for developing these interests as well as being the key mode of assessment.

Compulsory modules in development theory, development policy, and research methodology constitute the core coursework of the Master’s program. Electives available on this program include development economics, international finance, monitoring and evaluation for development practitioners and social movements, social change, and development.



The two full research degrees offered are a Masters by Dissertation and a Ph.D. by Thesis, in the field of Development Studies.  The Department of Development Studies research areas encompass many of today’s most important challenges. These range from climate change, sustainable development, energy and food production, globalization, and poverty alleviation, to social capital, human security, peace and development, and industrial development, local economic development, and development policy. Please see the Departmental research focus areas and the specific focus areas of staff members.



The M Phil in Development Finance provides a unique platform for postgraduate research and training in the field of development finance in developing and transitional economies. It is specially designed to equip government employees at central, provincial, and municipal levels as well as parastatal, NGO, and private sector employees in development finance institutions with the knowledge, competencies, and ethical value systems required in the field of development finance.

Upon completion of the M Phil in Development Finance, students will demonstrate:

  • Advanced knowledge, insight, and understanding of the principles, practices, and procedures prevalent in infrastructural development, project finance, micro-enterprise and international finance for development,
  • The ability to critically analyze the theories, techniques, and procedures for financial sector development, financial management, and finance issues for development in a developing and emerging market context,
  • The ability to apply these techniques and procedures in a professionally competent manner,
  • The ability to undertake independent research and to present research findings in a form that can be disseminated effectively to users.



The advanced research program will provide candidates from the public and private sectors who have completed Master’s programs in Development Finance and cognate fields with the opportunity to conduct advanced research in areas such as  Public Finance, Micro-enterprise Finance, Project Finance, International Finance for Development, Economic Analysis and Modelling, Monitoring & Evaluation, Local and Regional Development and related fields.

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