Nelson Mandela University NMMU Department of Economics

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Economics Department – See Details Below:
Welcome to the home page of the Department of Economics at the Nelson Mandela University.
Ours is the largest economics department in the Eastern Cape, offering tuition to more than 3500 undergraduate students and over 55 postgraduate students across three campuses. Being part of a new generation comprehensive university, the department offers several formal qualifications in economics ranging from diplomas to doctorate degrees. The department consists of over 15 academic staff members who cover a broad range of disciplines in economics in their teaching and research. In the Department of Economics, we strive to provide the highest level of graduate and undergraduate education while pursuing research on the frontier of applied microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, environmental and resource economics. We hope you find these pages useful in learning about us and what we have to offer.
South Campus Economics Students
All queries relating to admission statuses should be directed to the admissions department either via email: or by phone : 041 504 2593.
All queries relating to course programmes, academic credits etc should be directed to the faculty officer, Ms Thembeka Jonono via email: or by phone: 041 504 2120
Only queries relating directly to the operations of the economics department should be directed to Ms Dedre Erasmus.
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University NMMU Department of Economics Contact