Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University NMMU Undergraduate Courses Offered

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Undergraduate Courses – See Details Below:
Undergraduate Courses :
- BAHons In Sociology
- BAHons Anthropology
- BAHons History
- BA Media Communication & Culture
- BAHons Afrikaans and Dutch
- BAHonsApplied Language Studies
- BA Media Communication & Culture
- BAHons Corporate Communication
- BAHons English
- BAHons French
- BAHons IsiXhosa
- BAHons Media Studies
- BA Hons Philosophy
- BAHons Corporate Communication
- BAHons Media Studies
- BMus General
- BMus Interdisciplinary Studies
- BMus Music Education
- BMus Music Technology
- BMus Performing Arts
- BCom Accounting GEORGE CAMPUS
- BCom Accounting
- BCom Accounting
- BCom General Accounting Extended EXTENDED PROGRAMME GEORGE
- BCom General Accounting
- BCom General Accounting GEORGE CAMPUS
- BCom General Accounting
- BCom General Accounting Extended EXTENDED PROGRAMME
- BCom Accounting Science: Eco & Bus Mgt
- BCom Accounting Science: Law
- BCom Account Sc: Comp Sci & Info Systems
- BA Development Studies
- BA Honours Development Studies
- BSc Construction Studies
- BScConst.Econ: Quant.Surv.Fin&Bus Mgt
- BSc Construction Studies
- Bachelor of Human Settlement Development
- BScConst.Econ: Quant.Surv.Fin&Bus Mgt
- BScHons Construction Management
- BScHons Quantity Surveying
- Bachelor of Nursing
- BA Law
- BCom Law
- Bachelor of Commerce Honours Information Systems and Business Management
- Bachelor of Science Honours Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science Honours Computer Science and Information Systems
- Bachelor of Commerce Computer Science and Information Systems
- Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting Science Computer Science and Information Systems
- Bachelor of Human Movement Science Honours in Coaching Science
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- BScHons Construction Management
- LLM Coursework
- LLM Criminal Justice Coursework
- LLM Labour Law Coursework
- LLM Mercantile Law Research
- LLM Private Law Research
- LLM Public Law Research
- LLM Taxation Coursework
- LLD Mercantile Law
- LLD Private Law
- LLD Public Law