Nelson Mandela University NMMU Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences

NMMU Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences – See Details Below:
A message from the Executive Dean
Our Faculty is the largest of the seven Faculties in the university and is active on three campuses namely South Campus and Second Avenue Campus in Summerstrand, and George Campus in the Southern Cape. The character of our Faculty fits perfectly into the ethos and character of a comprehensive university such as Nelson Mandela University. Here our students can enroll for a Higher Certificate qualification and eventually graduate with a Ph.D. qualification.
It should thus be evident that we cater to a diverse range of qualifications and professions and we pride ourselves in our diverse nature and character. As such, we aim to cover every aspect of society related to commerce and business. We are constantly looking at transforming our curricula to ensure that we grow talent in our students that is in line with our desired graduate attributes, thus enabling our students to contribute meaningfully to society at large.
We are again reminded of the statement made by Nelson Mandela:
The power of education extends beyond the development of the skills we need for economic success. It can contribute to nation-building and reconciliation.
We invite you to join us by registering for a program of your choice, and we will welcome you as an esteemed member of our extended family.
Nelson Mandela University NMMU Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Contact
Nelson Mandela University NMMU Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences Schools