North West University NWU Admission Requirements 2024-2025

NWU Admission Requirements
North West University NWU Admission Requirements 2021-22 – See Details Below:
Progression requirements
In order to ensure that a sufficient percentage of the credit load of the programme for which the student is registered is completed within the maximum duration allowed for the study –
a contact student must obtain at least 66% of the total credits that is required for the programme up to the historic year level for which the student is registered, and
a distance student must obtain at least 66% of the total credits that is required for the curriculum up to the historic year level for which the student is registered.
A student who fails to comply with the progression requirements provided for in rule 1.16.1 does not automatically qualify to continue study in the programme concerned.
After every examination period the executive dean concerned must, in consultation with the faculty management committee or other faculty structure concerned, review the academic records of all students to determine the students’ compliance with the progression requirements.
Should the executive dean concerned decide to terminate a student’s registration due to failure to comply with the progression requirements, the student may, within ten days of the date of such decision, submit to the faculty manager a motivated request in the prescribed form to be readmitted to the study.
The executive dean’s decision to grant or refuse a request for readmission submitted in terms of rule is final.
The executive dean reports all the decisions taken in terms of this rule to the registrar.
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North West University NWU Undergraduate Admission Requirements
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