North West University NWU Registration 2021–2022

North West University NWU Registration 2024-2025
North West University NWU Registration 2024-2025 – See Details Below:
Annual registration
Every returning student must register annually in their personal capacity, either by means of a paper-based or an electronic registration process, for the learning components that are prescribed for the specific study year, in accordance with the faculty rules applicable to the qualification, programme and module(s) concerned.
A student is personally responsible to: compliance with all the programme and module registration requirements and the completion and submission of the formal documents required for registration as specified in faculty rules, and that there are no clashes in contact time tables or scheduled assessment opportunities between the modules for which the student registers.
The university reserves the right to refuse or cancel the registration of a student where an applicant provides false, incorrect or incomplete information or documentation material to registration as a student, or where any other condition provided for in these rules is not satisfied.
Faculty rules provide for the requirements for active participation by students in specific programmes and students may not register for modules in which they are unable to or intend not to actively participate.
In order to receive credits for a specific module a student must be registered for such module and pass it.
Two registration periods for the various levels and modes of study are annually determined in the university calandar, the second of which is reserved exclusively for registration of students in such distance programmes as may be identified annually by the responsible executive dean.
A student who was registered during the second registration period of the previous year must in the subsequent academic years report for registration during the first annual registration period.
In order to be registered, a student or the entity that has granted the student a bursary, must pay the prescribed registration and minimum tuition fees prescribed by the university.
A student who registers in the paper-based process for registration must complete and sign the relevant registration form, acquire the necessary approval from the faculty concerned, and submit the signed form to the appropriate section within the Department of the Chief Director Student Academic Lifecycle Administration, upon which an official proof of registration is issued to the student.
A student who registers electronically must complete and sign the registration form electronically, and after approval of the registration by the faculty concerned, an official proof of registration is issued electronically.
A registered student must promptly submit all relevant changes to personal details in the prescribed form to the Chief Director Student Academic Lifecycle Administration for the purposes of official communication by the university with the student
Official correspondence with students may be addressed by the university to the postal addresses, email addresses and cell phone numbers supplied during registration, or as changed in accordance with rule
Submission to rules and resolutions
By signing and submitting either on paper or electronically the prescribed application and registration forms, the applicant or registered student agrees to be bound by the applicable rules, policies and resolutions of the university until the registration of the student is terminated.
Active enrolment
A registered student must actively participate in the teaching, learning and assessment activities of every module for which such student is registered in order to be deemed to be an enrolled student for subsidy purposes.
Sitting for an examination alone does not constitute proof of active enrolment.
Proof of active enrolment must be provided annually by the responsible academic unit on the prescribed census dates of the academic year concerned.
The registration of a student who fails to participate satisfactorily in the activities referred to in rule is subject to review in accordance with the progression requirements provided for in rule 1.16.
Amendment, cancellation and discontinuation of registration
Subject to the applicable faculty rules and the applicable provisions regarding payable fees, a student may apply in the prescribed manner and within the period indicated for that purpose on the annual university calendar, to amend, cancel or discontinue registration.
Registration may be cancelled for a programme or a module, and entails that a student withdraws from the programme or module before formal tuition begins.
Timeous cancellation of registration is not reflected in a student’s academic record and a part of the registration fees, as well as the paid tuition fees, may be reimbursed.
The university reserves the right to cancel any erroneous registration.
Discontinuation of registration entails that a student withdraws from a programme or module after the commencement of formal tuition.
Discontinuation of registration is reflected as such on the student’s academic record and does not entitle the student to receive reimbursement of registration or tuition fees.
Simultaneous registration at more than one institution
A student registered at the university may not register concurrently for a qualification at another university except with the approval of the executive dean concerned, who may grant such approval only if the student has met the minimum residence requirements of either one of the universities.
With the approval of the executive dean concerned, a student may register for non-degree purposes at the university and as a student for a formal qualification at another university.
The executive dean concerned may in writing, and with the concurrence of the other institution concerned, grant a student permission to take specific modules offered by another university, including exit modules required for the completion of a programme, modules that the student is not able to attend at the university, and modules that are not offered by the university, provided that such student continues to be registered as a student of the university.
A student taking modules at another university in accordance with rule is not liable to pay tuition fees for the equivalent modules of the university.
Except for research master’s degree by dissertation and doctoral programmes, a student may be granted permission to register for a maximum of 20% of the total credit value of a programme at another institution.
For coursework master’s degrees and professional master’s degrees, a student may be granted permission to register for a maximum of 20% of the credit value of the coursework component of the programme at another institution.
Simultaneous registration for more than one qualification at the university
The executive dean concerned may in writing grant a student permission, subject to the limitation on credit load provided for in rule 1.9, to register simultaneously for more than one qualification at the university.
1.10.7Use of the university’s facilities by registered students
Subject to specific exceptions granted by the Chief Director Student Academic Lifecycle Administration, only registered students are entitled to utilise the university’s facilities.
Protection of personal and education-related information
1.11.1In the course of the registration process the extent to which the student’s personal or education-related information may be disclosed to a third party is determined, but the student may withdraw or amend permission granted to disclose such information by means of a request in writing submitted to the registrar.
1.11.2The university may disclose personal or education-related information regarding a student to a third party only after the law applicable to the protection of and access to information has duly been complied with.
1.12 Exemption from practical work or class attendance in a module
Where a student fails a module that has a practical component, but passes the practical component, the student may apply in writing to the executive dean concerned to be exempted from the practical component when the student repeats the module.
The granting of exemption in terms of rules 1.12.1 and 1.12.4 is subject to the applicable faculty rules and is valid only for the year following the year when the student failed the module.
If exemption from the practical component of a module is granted, the student must register for the module in the subsequent year and, in accordance with the applicable faculty rules, make the necessary arrangements with the lecturer concerned to have the mark that was achieved for the practical component of the module transferred to form part of the module participation mark.
Where a student fails a module that has a class attendance requirement, but, in the opinion of the academic director concerned, did meet the class attendance requirements, the student may apply in writing to the executive dean concerned to be exempted from the class attendance requirement when the student repeats the module.
1.12.5If exemption from class attendance is granted in respect of a module, the student must register for the module in the subsequent year and must comply with faculty rules regarding the other required formative assessment opportunities in order to compile a new participation mark in the module concerned.
North West University NWU Online Application
North West University NWU Undergraduate Online Application
North West University NWU Postgraduate Online Application
North West University NWU Application Forms
North West University Online Application Forms 2024-2025
North West University NWU Undergraduate Application Forms
North West University NWU Postgraduate Application Forms
North West University NWU International student Application
North West University NWU Application Status
North West University NWU Online Application Status
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NWU Online Application 2024-2025 | How to Apply
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University of Limpopo Undergraduate Fees
University of Limpopo Postgraduate Fees
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