Northcliff High School Subjects Offered 2024-2025
Northcliff High School Subjects Offered – see the list of courses offered at Northcliff High School…
The school offers a wide range of traditional academic subjects, including those which provide opportunities for creativity and entrepreneurial skills.
In the Junior Grades (8 and 9), all of our students take the following subjects:
* English * Afrikaans * Mathematics * Accounting * Business Studies * Physical Science * Life Science
* Technology * Geography * History * Life Orientation * Visual Art * Physical Education
In the Senior Phase of the school, students are required to choose 7 subjects from the following:
* English * Afrikaans * Physical Science * Mathematics / Mathematical Literacy * Life Sciences
* Information Technology * Accounting * Business Studies * Engineering, Graphics and Design * Visual Art
* Geography * History * Life Orientation * Computer Application Technology * Consumer Studies