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Northern Technical College History

Northern Technical College Historical Background

Northern Technical College Historical Background – See Details Below:

About Us

Northern Technical College, fondly known as NORTEC, was founded in 1964 as an Engineering skills training institute. It was established mainly to provide technical skilled man power to the country’s flourishing copper mines. Throughout its half a century history of existence, NORTEC has consistently performed in accordance with its raison d’être by churning out highly competent Craftsmen, Technicians and Technologists who have positively contributed to the success of the mining industry. Over the years, the College has also been a major contributor of the requisite skills to Zambia’s emerging sectors like construction, service, IT and entrepreneurship. Today NORTEC ranks among Zambia’s leading technical training providers due its undiminishing contribution to both our nation and beyond.

Northern Technical College is accredited with the Technical Educational Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA). The College has also forged partnerships with leading local universities (Copperbelt University and the University of Zambia), corporations and international partners who include among others, the Kaizen Institute of Zambia, African Development Bank and, Volvo of Sweden.

NORTEC is a quasi – government institution administered by a Management Board. The institution has currently four academic departments namely:
1. Mechanical
2. Electrical
3. Automotive /Heavy Equipment Repair
4. Applied Sciences and Business Studies.

Our course portfolio includes:

    • Mechanical Engineering.
    • Electrical Engineering.
    • Automotive Engineering.
    • Heavy Equipment Repair.
    • Biomedical Engineering.
    • Laboratory Science.
    • Computer Studies.
    • Production Management.

Our courses are available on Full-time, Part-Time , Open Distance Learning and Short intensive training.

Looking forward, NORTEC remains focused to maintain its role of being a reputable skills training provider in Zambia and the region, a TVET sector leader and an important solution to Zambia’s technological, economic and social challenges. The institution will sustain the thrust to continue to design courses meant to tackle various prevailing national challenges like youth unemployment and industrial skills gaps.

The vision statement for NORTEC is to be recognized as “A leading engineering institution in technical and vocational training in the region.”

NORTEC’s Mission Statement is “To provide quality technical and vocational training in order to meet industry needs and contribute to socio-economic development.”

In an effort to become a leading engineering institution in technical and vocational training, NORTEC upholds the following values:
Integrity: to be honest, sincere and ethical in our conduct by putting the obligations of the institution above personal interests
Professionalism: to demonstrate the highest professional standards in the conduct of our work
Team spirit: to achieve common objectives through mutual respect and collective effort
Pro-activeness: to execute our duties with alertness and take initiative in resolving the anticipated challenges in a timely manner.
Efficiency: to utilize our resources such as time, effort and money, for their intended purpose to produce specific outcomes with a minimum amount of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort.
Excellence: to offer products and services with exceptionally good quality which surpasses ordinary standards
Innovativeness: to promote better solutions that meet industry requirements by creating new and imaginative products and services.