North West University NWU Undergraduate Admission Requirements 2024-2025

North West University Undergraduate Admission Requirements – See Details Below:
Undergraduate qualifications
The Higher Certificate consists of a number of modules with a minimum total credit value of 120 at NQF level 5, structured according to the provisions of Rule 1.2, and subject to specific faculty rules.
The Advanced Certificate consists of a number of modules with a minimum total credit value of 120 at NQF level 6, structured according to the provisions of Rule 1.2, and subject to specific faculty rules.
In addition to other credits required in terms of rule 2.1.4, a minimum of 120 credits at NQF level 6, structured according to the provisions of Rule 1.2 and subject to specific faculty rules, is required for a diploma, and a diploma takes the form of –
a diploma with a minimum total credit value of 240 which leads to a professional designation or occupational role as determined by a professional body, and does not provide for work- integrated learning as part of the formal credits of the qualification structure, or
a diploma with a minimum total credit value of 360 requiring up to 120 credits of work- integrated learning as part of the qualification structure, though work-integrated learning is not a mandatory part of the curriculum.
The Advanced Diploma consists of a number of modules with a minimum total credit value of 120 at NQF level 7, structured according to the provisions of Rule 1.2, and subject to specific faculty rules.
The 360 credit Bachelor’s Degree consists of a number of modules with a minimum total credit value of 360 credits with a minimum of 120 credits at NQF level 7, structured according to the provisions of Rule 1.2, and subject to specific faculty rules.
The 480 credit Bachelor’s Degree consists of a number of modules with a minimum total credit value of 480 with a minimum of 120 credits at NQF level 8, structured according to the provisions of Rule 1.2, and subject to specific faculty rules.
North West University NWU Postgraduate Registration
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North West University NWU Brochure
North West University NWU Admission Requirements
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