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Pretoria High School for Girls Subjects Offered 2024-2025

Pretoria High School for Girls Subjects Offered 2024-2025

Pretoria High School for Girls Subjects Offered – see the list of courses offered at Pretoria High School for Girls…

Grade 8 & 9 Subjects
Grade 10 to 12 Subjects

Compulsory subjects (4):

  1. English Home Language

  2. Mathematics
    Mathematical Literacy

  3. Life Orientation

  4. Afrikaans First Additional Language
    Sepedi First Additional Language

Choice of any three subjects (3):

  1. Accounting

  2. Business Studies

  3. Computer Applications Technology

  4. Consumer Studies

  5. Design

  6. French

  7. Geography

  8. German

  9. History

  10. Life Sciences

  11. Music

  12. Physical Sciences

  13. Visual Arts

We set high standards at PHSG, and provide our girls with countless opportunities to challenge themselves and broaden their horizons. While we have won countless awards for educational excellence, our aim is to cultivate curiosity and a thirst for knowledge in our girls, which will persist long after they have left the school.

Compulsory subjects (9):

  1. Creative Arts

  2. Economic Management Sciences

  3. English Home Language

  4. Life Orientation

  5. Mathematics

  6. Natural Science

  7. Social Sciences

  8. Technology

  9. ​Computer Literacy (included to additionally benefit learners)

 Choice subjects (2):

  1. Afrikaans First Additional Language
    Sepedi First Additional Language

  2. French Second Additional Language
    German Second Additional Language

Subject requirements for higher grades

At the end of grade 9, learners make their subject choices. The subjects must be chosen according to the following guidelines.

All learners must take at least two languages:

  • English Home Language as the language of teaching

  • Afrikaans First Additional Language OR Sepedi First Additional Language

Learners must take either Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy

All learners are required to take Life Orientation

Subject Breakdown

Afrikaans First Additional Language

The Afrikaans department often boasts the best Afrikaans First Additional Language matric results. Learners must choose between Sepedi and Afrikaans.


Accounting focuses on measuring performance, and processing and communicating financial information about economic sectors.  The subject encompasses accounting knowledge, skills and values that focus on the financial accounting, managerial accounting and auditing fields.

Business Studies

Business Studies gives a good background to general business practices by looking at the business environment and the influence of changes in this environment on business practices. Learners are taught how to identify business opportunities with the possible aim of starting their own business. Knowledge and skills are acquired with respect to conflict management, leadership, creativity and management styles in a business. Pretoria High School for Girls Subjects Offered

Computer Application Technology

Computer Applications Technology is the study of the integrated components of a computer system (hardware and software) and the practical techniques for their efficient use and application to solve everyday problems. The solutions to problems are designed, managed and processed via end-user applications and communicated using appropriate information and communication technologies (ICTs).

Learners are taught how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Web Design.

Consumer Studies

Consumer Studies covers a wide basis of skills and areas. It is an ideal subject for learners with an interest in cooking, nutrition, designing, marketing and consumer needs. It is an enjoyable and exciting way of learning life skills and developing knowledge that will help in all walks of life. It enables a learner to become an entrepreneur.


Design is a specialist field in art and has both a theoretical component as well as a practical component. Design consists of 3 disciplines: jewellery design, information design and ceramics. It must be noted that drawing forms an integral part of the subject. The theory component for Design is standard and compulsory for all learners, irrespective of which practical discipline is chosen. Learners choose a discipline at the end of Grade 10 after completing a term of each discipline.

English Home Language

English is a global language. It is a compulsory subject and will equip learners with communication, writing, reading and analysis skills. The curriculum covers a play, a novel and various poems each year. Learners will read, assess and analyse the various literary works.

French Second Additional Language

French is one of the official languages of the Pan African Parliament. It is a language which encourages critical thinking and structured thoughts. By the end of matric, learners are able to sustain a conversation and express and justify opinions.


Geography covers a wide range of topics. They are divided into three main parts: human geography (including settlements, economy and population), physical geography (climatology and geomorphology) and map work. This subject opens many doors in various fields due to its variety of skills and topics covered. Some of the possible fields include Engineering, Geology, Town Planning, Aeronautics, Traffic Control and Geographic Information Systems. Pretoria High School for Girls Subjects Offered

German Second Additional Language

Pretoria High School for Girls is one of only 8 schools to be selected by the Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen to offer the Deutsches Sprachdiplom (DSD 1). This is a wonderful opportunity for learners who would like to study in Germany.

German is a widely used language, not only informally but also for postgraduate studies and research papers. Learners are encouraged to speak the language often, ensuring they are able to communicate with ease.


History covers a wide range of topics from the expansion conquest to the rise of South Africa’s democracy.  Learners will learn how to discern between reliable and unreliable sources and how to draw their own conclusions based on the evidence provided. The writing skills acquired through this subject are useful in the world of work and university.

Life Orientation

A compulsory subject, learners must complete both the theoretical and practical components. There are no external examinations or assessments for Life Orientation. Topics covered are useful in everyday life and the skills that are learnt are often applied without the learner being aware of it. Life Orientation is an inter-disciplinary subject that draws on and integrates knowledge, values, skills and processes embedded in various disciplines such as Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, Human Movement Science, Labour Studies and Industrial Studies. Pretoria High School for Girls Subjects Offered

Life Sciences

Life Sciences is an integrated subject providing interesting and challenging ways to discover more about the world inside and around us. Learners will get the opportunity to work in well-equipped laboratories where a great variety of practical work is done. The most enjoyable and entertaining are usually the dissection of organs, such as hearts, kidneys and brains. Knowledge gained in Life Sciences can be applied to a multitude of fields and assist in making better decisions for both the environment as well as their own health and well-being.


Mathematics develops critical thinking and logical processes. Although you may never have to factorise a polynomial at work one day, you will have to use the thinking processes developed through factorisation. Mathematics teaches learners how to think creatively and find new ways of addressing and solving a problem.

It is a requirement for many university degrees such as BEng and BSc.

Learners must choose between Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy.

Mathematical Literacy

Mathematical Literacy focuses on real-life application of maths and developing the skills to use basic maths to solve everyday problems. It enables the learners to develop the ability to think numerically and spatially in order to interpret and critically analyse everyday situations and to solve problems within a realistic context.

It is advisable for learners to start with Mathematics and then move to Mathematical Literacy as it is possible to change from Maths to Maths Literacy, but not necessarily from Maths Literacy to pure Maths.


Music extends learners in terms of discipline, self-regulation, organisation, analytical thinking, performing, group work, creative thinking, listening, discerning, as well as the integration of technology. The practical component forms a big part of the subject. A love and passion for playing are complemented by improving practical skills through solo pieces as well as ensemble works. General music knowledge, music technology, improvisation, music theory and composition, and music comprehension are topics that are covered in Grades 10 – 12.

Physical Sciences

Physical Sciences form an integral part of our world. It is part of our everyday lives and creates an understanding of how the world works. Through both Chemistry and Physics, learners develop critical thinking skills, logical thought processes and communication. Science opens doors to a multitude of careers and opportunities, not limited to science fields. The critical thinking developed in Science is a lifelong skill.

Mathematics is one of the biggest building blocks of Science. It is therefore required to take Mathematics in order to take Physical Sciences.

Sepedi First Additional Language

Learners must choose between Sepedi and Afrikaans.

Visual Art

We are surrounded by art on a daily basis. Learners experience four types of practical work in Grade 10, namely sculpture, painting, photography and printmaking. At the end of Grade 10, learners choose a discipline and continue with it into Grade 11 and 12.

Learners acquire skills in time management, creative skills, management of resources and communication.

8th Subjects

When a learner takes an 8th subject, the following will count towards APS and the learner’s average:

English Home Language, Afrikaans First Additional Language OR Sepedi First Additional Language, Mathematics OR Mathematical Literacy and the next best three subjects. No 8th subject may be picked up after grade 10.

8th subjects are recognised and registered by PHSG and Matrics are able to write their Matric exam for that subject at the PHSG exam centre.

All 8th subjects need to be arranged individually with the subject tutor of their choice and must be recognised by Umalusi  (the certification board for Matric exams).